Saturday, January 14, 2012

Strange goin's ons at the democratian: a sudden onslaught of negative bridge articles.

Literally for years, the Lazy C never mentioned the huge but unorganized opposition to their horrific, unneeded, unwanted and unnecessary life-long bridge indebtedness/loot rail/toll scam.

Now, the negative side seems to be all they write about.

Not that I'm complaining, you understand.  Lightning Lou Brancaccio used to make me blow chunks with his columns where it seemed he could never find anyone who was opposed to his scam... which is why we had been deluged with pro-bridge/loot rail propaganda that would have made Goebbels blush, for months on end.

Bogus, nonsensical polling that resulted in numbers the rag wanted by asking moronic questions that failed to address the issues... things like that.

Well, folks are paying attention now.  I'M paying attention, and if the board of county commissioners ever responds to my FOIA, I might have some news that will really nail this crock pot shut.

But that said, the point of this post is to mention that, in fact, I HAVE noticed a sudden increase in less then complimentary articles concerning the biggest rip off in the history of the NW United States.

CRC foes of all stripes share concerns.

Criticism of bridge design hasn't let up.

CRC bridge plan exceeds budget, schedule.

Now, this represents a small level of progress on this issue.  What's missing from the democratian are demands for accountability, transparency, audits and an explanation as to why, in the face of proof to the contrary, CTran lied to the voters concerning their financial condition.

But this is a start.  And I have noticed.

You can call it "credit where credit is due."


Blogging around the Pacific Northwest said...

Yeah, I think some thing is going on in the background. The editor and publisher would have not started some thing like this if they did not have a plan or were sure of the outcome.

Why would ICC tear this project after $140 million and counting UP and a decade trying to make a go of it.

Some thing smells fishy.... Hope you find out what...

Haven Tristán said...

Second two were on the front page of the Sunday print edition no less.

Strange indeed.