Thursday, December 01, 2011

Meanwhile from the REALLY bizarro political zone: San Fernando mayor announces he's in relationship with councilwoman... during council meeting... with wife in front row.

As truly weird as politics are around here, you've really got to go some to find something stranger.  Well, here it is:

San Fernando mayor announces he's in relationship with councilwoman

The mayor of San Fernando apparently wanted to get a few things off his chest.
First off, Mayor Mario Hernandez told colleagues and audience members during last Monday’s council meeting, he had filed for both corporate and personal bankruptcy, the San Fernando Sun reported. And he'd also lost his business.
Oh, and one other thing, the mayor added:
"I'd like to put out there, to squash the rumors, that yes, I have been in a relationship with Councilwoman (Maribel) De La Torre," he said, according to a city tape of the Nov. 21 council meeting.
Apparently stunned, the audience was initially quiet.

The newspaper reported that the mayor’s wife was sitting in the front row when he made his disclosure. He  reminded the audience that he and his wife have been separated since June and that his political foes had been spreading gossip about his personal life. "That's why I'm here," the mayor’s wife said, standing as Hernandez continued to talk.
"I'm his wife ... we weren't separated," she added.

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