There can be no doubt that this cancer on our community has long since abandoned any pretense of impartiality; they are leftist hacks who work very hard to further the democrat agenda: reading the county democrat party newsletter (At least they have one, unlike the local GOP) is really no different then reading the Columbian; their endorsements and positions are typically in lock step. Lies, whining, political hackery of a sort mirrored by the Moron-In-Chief in the White House... that's the order of the day by both the democrat propaganda sheet AND the local version of Pravda Izvestia, the Columbian.
The local rag went out with a story that lacked a paper trail, the same excuse they used when it went to cover a democrat, Jim Jacks, who was forced to resign from the legislature as a result of his alcohol-fueled misconduct with female staff in the Washington State House of Representatives and who, subsequently, was given a complete pass by both Brancaccio and that joke of a paper he runs.
While everyone even remotely connected to the Leg is well aware of the reasons for Jacks getting kicked out, the rag would neither publish any of it, nor even allow "speculation" in the comment section of that toilet they publish on line.
Of course, the rag has no problem with speculation about anything THEY choose. But that sort of thing is different when they've been given their marching orders to cover for and protect the democrats... because the disgrace of the Wentzel fiction of a story goes right to the heart of the matter:
If you're a democrat, you get a pass. If you oppose the rag's fringe left agenda.... well, they gleefully will error on the side of screwing you blind.
And then, lack the good sense to even admit they were wrong.
Here it is, here it is-sers.
Wentzel was CASA volunteer 16 years ago
The latest flier sent by Political Action Committee Save Our City, which Vancouver residents received Monday. It claims Vancouver City Council candidate Josephine Wentzel is a Court Appointed Special Advocate volunteer. No local records could initially be found to verify that claim. On Thursday, it was verified that Wentzel was a CASA volunteer 16 years ago under a different name.
Columbian Staff Reporter
Originally published November 3, 2011 at 12:40 p.m., updated November 3, 2011 at 8:55 p.m.
Political Action Committee Save Our City, largely funded by Wentzel’s boss and anti-CRC activist David Madore, mailed fliers this month saying Wentzel is a retired police detective, CASA volunteer and mother of five.
There's more garbage, excuses, spin.... in the article.The Columbian ran a story Wednesday reporting the YWCA, which administers the CASA program, could not find Wentzel in its records. The story was published after being held for an extra day to allow Wentzel time to respond. The Columbian placed two calls to her phone, and sent several emails to her personal and business email addresses. She did not answer those requests for comment.
But the rag, the SAME rag, has spent a hell of a lot more time working to discredit Republicans then they ever did, say, Jim Jacks, who's alcohol-fueled misconduct with female staff in the legislature was first broken on this blog and since ignored by this same, biased, fringe-left organ... because, well, most in the GOP strongly oppose the rip off positions of the local, dispicable wart on our community's butt.
The result? They WRONGLY accused Madore, his PAC, and by extension, Wentzel, of lying on their campaign literature about a candidate the rag STRONGLY opposes.
Well, lies, deceit and exaggeration is how the local rag rolls. So, really, none of this should be surprising. Nor is it. But it does bear pointing out: when you have an "R" after your name, there is no limit as to what this waste of space will do to keep you from getting elected if you oppose their agenda.
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