Blogging around the Pacific Northwest said...
- Ok, Kelly. You've ranted near 4 or 5 years about the local paper. What kind of paper DO you want to see? I don't think I have ever read you speak of examples of what you might want to see.....
My own personal philosophy precludes bitching about something without having viable alternatives available... and I do for every item I write about.
I want a newspaper that is honest.
I want a newspaper that reflects the public it purports to serve, instead of attempting to shape or mold that public.
I want a newspaper that exhibits the same civility they have whined so long and loudly about others exhibiting towards them, while hypocritically engaging... for years... in the same activity they decry.
I want a newspaper that NEVER fears the will of the people, even when that will conflicts with their agenda... an agenda they should not have no matter what it contains since that agenda, regardless of its contents, by definition means that the unvarnished truth will never be made available when it touches on that agenda... the downtown-centric, special interest, don't listen to the people no matter how much it costs them agenda... for the CTrans scam, the ballpark ripoff and loot rail/I-5 bridge issues coming immediately to mind, where well informed and available opposition has been routinely ignored as the rag does a series of one-sided puff pieces.
I want a newspaper that treats everyone the same instead of giving their friends a pass... like Jim Jacks and their essentially criminal failure to report the facts of his alcohol fueled misconduct with female staffers... not because the information isn't out there, I had it all within an hour.
But because they didn't... and don't want to.
I want a newspaper with the guy running it is held accountable by the guy owning it.
And I want a newspaper that would rather blow itself to pieces then lie, cheat, exaggerate or engage in a double standard... or work to silence the voice of those, like me, who oppose them.
We don't have that, or anything like that, in any daily published in Clark County.
There may be more elements... but these are certainly a start.
Thanks for asking.