Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Impressions on election night.

As expected, most of Russell's Herd was crushed... losers including Delavar, Plinski, Anderson, Bang and Zandamela... footnotes in political history.

Freeman, Russell's lackey from his campaign may win, holding a tiny lead of 52 as of this writing.  But the balance of the city council will remain firmly out of the control of Russell, re-enforcing that even the people of Washougal are sick of his hijinks, as are the people of Camas and Battle Ground.

These races ARE close, and the final outcome is subject to change.  But so far, it looks like Russell's electoral efforts have wound up like they typically do: failing.

I called all of these races, save the Coston-Freeman race... and it ain't over until it's over.

The Vancouver City Council Races also came out the way I thought they would, with Smith, Hansen and Turley getting it done, save for last minute changes in the vote.

Scott Higgins crushed his competition in the Camas mayoral...

The state rep race went as anticipated as well.  The problem for a Republican winning in a socialist district is that the things he has to run on... accountability, smaller government and reduced spending, are the exact opposite of what the people in such a district want.  Heavily dependent on the welfare state and utilizing a superior ground game, there was little chance of election for a fiscal conservative by a government dependent district.

Marc Boldt's illegal campaign tactics were obviously successful in the carefully gerrymandered district he was instrumental in developing from his position on the CTrans board.

The buzz now is that Boldt will use Steve "The Liar" Stuart's wife, democrat Heather Melton, as his campaign manager.

Why am I not surprised?

The statewide initiatives went as expected as a county wide expression of support for the Costco plan and Eyman's effort to rein in the rampant tolling scams so supported by Steve "The Liar" Stuart, Tim "The Liar" Leavitt and Marc "Turncoat" Boldt.

I'll make a decision over filing a PDC complaint against Boldt and those he was shilling for over the next few days.  Needless to say, once again, I'm ashamed of this fake Republican.... even if he is my brother-in-law.

Cross posted in Jon Russell Watch.


Blogging around the Pacific Northwest said...

Let us hope Tim's idea neuters the Light Rail on the bridge. But you know they'll just find another way around an obstacle.

I remember once in 2008? the state dept. of transportation director would suggest that they would the LRT as "infrastructure" definition to get around any LRT blocking ideas.

Blogging around the Pacific Northwest said...

It looks like 1125 has been rejected though it really was close.