"Unacceptable behavior" Yes, indeed. All around! The union protesters for threatening workers, breaking equipment, the law and resisting arrest by their UNIOIN[sic] brothers/sisters, the employer EGT for refusing to negotiate with the ILUW and hiring another union and attempting to break the Longshoreman's Union. The Port of Longview Commissioners not NOT taking a position on the labor dispute and getting the parties TO the table, Come on, please! You're elected officials! Why should you be elected in the first place if you're not going to be the representatives of the people in this dispute? And finally, the Cowlitz County Sheriffs. If for nothing else the 9/8 picture on the front page of The Columbian of a Cowlitz County Sheriff with his hands around the throat of a protester, Nope. not going there. OK, Everyone involved in this mess is culpable! Are we done with the blame game? Everyone take step back! Get back to the negotiating table, the issues and PEACEFUL protests (our right as American's) and the courts as the legitimate arbitrator of these disputes in our republic.