Wednesday, June 01, 2011

The irony of the democratian's new facebook sign in system (that will likely go away, soon.)

From the story in question:
You've told us in person, via e-mail and through an online survey that the comments on our site are often "offensive," "misinformed," "annoying," "childish" and "completely unintelligent," among other things.
Oddly, the same applies to many of their stories. 

Equally moronic is the idea that posters have to "use their real names."

Clearly, the genius that thought this plan up is not the brightest bulb on the tree, and simply does not understand how Facebook works.

But then, that observation also includes most who manage our august daily.


Anonymous said...

Lpoking forward to seeing kage's perspective on things!!'

K.J. Hinton said...

They'll have me banned in no time.