Because I oppose the rag and everything it stands for and supports, I am banned from commenting there... as are others who are wise enough to oppose their agenda of passing taxes that benefit them at our expense.
Lately, they've been engaging in a campaign that abandons all journalistic integrity (as if they have any) to get the Ballpark built and force us to pay for it.
There's no excuse for forcing everyone else to pay for what they want, merely because they stand to make their 30 pieces of silver for betraying this community in the name of ad revenue... and all of that without the rag paying a dime in the taxes they want US to pay... a long established pattern that applies to so many things in this community... such as burying us in debt over their moronic bridge/loot rail project.
The rag switched to a forced facebook log in, like that will make any difference. I've previously mentioned the whole purpose of that was to aid in the banning of those wise enough to oppose the rag's aims, methods and complete lack of integrity.
It took them about 60 seconds to ban me, which is not particularly surprising given how pathetic and unsupportable their positions are in this community. But the most hypocritical nonsense I've seen for awhile comes from the arrogant putz running the show:
That, of course, is an outright lie.
I am totally "restricted" from commenting because of my positions.
The test for that is for those reading this to ask themselves the following question:
If Hinton was wildly supportive of the damge and destruction this sorry excuse for newspaper wanted to visit on this community, do you think for one second that they'd ban me, or attack me or attack those I know who happen to be my friends?
Of course not.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's not me, or how I say what I say. To the intellectual coward running the cancer in our community, it's WHAT I say that he can't stand... puting the absolute lie to his tripe like that posted above.
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