Monday, June 06, 2011

The bogus "I take full responsibility" canard.

From our local level with Jim Jacks to the national level with this moron Weiner, democrats seem incapable of acknowledging their wrong doing in such a way that matters.

Weiner shot off his mouth in front of a bunch of cameras.  But he didn't have much to say about the damage he tried to inflict on others telling the truth; he's lucky Breitbart just stopped with bitch-slapping him in his OWN press conference instead of breaking his smarmy jaw.

He falsely tells us he takes "full responsibility."  Well, Weenie, the only way you could take full responsibility is if you resigned.

Yeah, I know Jacks resigned before they threw his drunk ass out.  But what he DIDN'T do was fess up to his misconduct that lead to his forced departure.  And the local rag let him get away with it because of the letter after his name.

Up until Weenie came out today and told the truth, the media mirrored our local pathetic organ; they covered completely for conduct that would have resulted in gross injury had their wives, girlfriends or daughters been treated the way Jim Jacks treated those women on staff in Olympia he was inappropriate with, and ferociously attacked those who knew better.

Is this a genetic trait among the leftist media?

The local rag needs to apologize to us for their efforts to cover and protect democrats generally and Jim Jacks specifically the same way Weenie apologized for his rank lies and misconduct.

For either Weenie or the local paper, there is no excuse.  Both let us down on a daily basis and have done so for quite some time.  Both viciously attack those who hold them accountable and are wise enough to disagree; both want us to pay for an agenda that neither will have to pay for themselves; and our local rag's lack of integrity was cemented for all to see with their flip-flop on the ballpark... reminiscent of their now-hero, Tim Leavitt's LEGENDARY flip on the bridge toll issue... in their own way, they are all precisely the same.

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