Sunday, May 22, 2011

Lew Waters asks the question: GOP Congresswoman: Clueless or Pandering?

While I answer in the affirmative to both, Lew does a much better job than I in wondering aloud:

Clueless... or Pandering?

GOP Congresswoman: Clueless or Pandering?

By lewwaters

It’s no secret that I did not support Jaime Herrera Beutler for the seat she sits in currently. The above video is a prime reason why, beyond the nonsense thrown at me by her staff and the Clark County Republican Party because I had the audacity to actually support a Conservative Republican in last year’s election.
At her May 16, 2011 Town Hall, Jaime faced a crowd of angry Democrats fearing she will vote like a Republican. The above comment was the normal run of the mill leftwing tripe on ending tax breaks and subsidies for corporations, the job creators. Hearing this particular part of her reply, I can only ask, “Jaime, are you clueless or pandering to Democrats again?”
She specifically mentions ExxonMobil and GE as corporations not paying taxes. Leftists, and several others have been making that claim, based in large part to admitted Socialist Democrat Bernie Sanders from Vermont releasing his list of Top Ten Tax Avoiders, where it is claimed the companies posted large profit increases, and pay no taxes in the U.S.

Cross posted at Jaime Herrera Watch.

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