Monday, May 02, 2011

The democratian's bizarre concept of "fairness:" Islamic scholars criticize bin Laden’s sea burial... and we should give a rat's patootee, why, again?

Fairness is a bizarre concept for the local rag.  Few of the slavish, biased and one-sided articles they print in favor of their pet project bother to include the well-now defined perspective of the opposition (That used to be Lou's excuse: "We can't find any opponents."   Now they just ignore them.)

So, I suppose no one should be surprised about the rag going out of their way to print an article about what "Islamic Scholars" may think about shoving the scumbag Bin Laden over the side into the ocean.

Were it up to me, I would have ground him up and fed him to pigs... and it certainly would not have happened this fast.  After all, he wasn't particularly concerned about anything when it came to our culture... why would should have concern over him or his is a mystery to me... that brings us to the moronic article in question.

It's just a damned shame that the rag cares ever so much more about publishing the whining, sniveling complaints from people who supported this scum then it does for them to write about the opposition to their agenda.

It's all relative, of course.  But I just wish the local rag was as even handed with CRC opponents as they are with terrorist supporters.

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