Monday, April 18, 2011

Brewer blows it: AZ governor vetos "guns on campus" bill.

I admit it; I'm very big on gun rights.  The problems is that supporting rights (and, unlike collective bargaining, guns ARE a right) is much like being pregnant: you either do, or you don't.  There's no middle ground.

Now, I've listened to Gov. Brewer, who courageously took the lead on states becoming directly involved in getting rid of the costly virus of illegal aliens.  But her claim of being a big "gun rights supporter" has suddenly, perhaps irrevocably, become suspect with the published reasons for her veto of this bill... a veto sure to be overridden.

If I have a concealed weapons permit, I should be able to carry a concealed weapon anywhere.

And by "anywhere," I mean in schools at all levels and anywhere else not specifically prohibited by federal law.

The reason is simple: those opposed to this liken anyone who carries a firearm as some sort of a nut.  The problem with that concept is obvious:  Do you believe that someone who is going to illegally use a firearm gives a damn about the legality of carrying it onto a college campus... or an elementary school playground?

Of course not.  And because those types... like the slimeballs at Columbine or Virginia Tech, would have been much less likely to even attempt what they accomplished had they been forced to consider that they would have been dropped early on in their escapade by someone carrying a weapon who was not afraid to use it... are who we need to defend agains, concealed carry with a permit on campus should be legal everywhere.

This strange idea that schools somehow supersede churches as a location where firearms shouldn't be allowed is bizarre on it's face.

Would Columbine have happened if those clowns knew that some were armed within the school?  If even a couple of those kids slaughtered in Virginia Tech had been carrying, that scumbag could have been dropped like a bad habit.

It is unfortunate that such a right must be enumerated in law.  But at the end of the day, those most opposed to this law would be the ones begging the loudest for me or some other armed person to end the threat when it's their blood... or the blood of their children... on the line because those predisposed to hurt people with firearms don't give a damn about your restrictions on those weapons.

Brewer is likely to be overturned.  And in this case, she needs to be, as this bill needs to be strengthened and duplicated everywhere to allow carry into the classrooms across our nation.

Because unless or until we can station a police officer in every classroom, we need to take care of and guard ourselves.

1 comment:

Martin Hash said...

I don't own a gun myself but I fully support your right to own and conceal one. Rights, however, are not carte blanche, black or white, yes or no. You only have rights because other people let you have them - otherwise it would not be democracy. At some point the feelings of the majority will be counter to your own. You can then take that argument through the courts to see if your personal desires supersede the desires of everyone else... Often they do. However, pick your fights - guns in school is probably a loser.