Sunday, March 06, 2011

When democrats in Washington State lie.

You remember it, don't you? The huge scam the leftist slime ran to get Safeco Field built?

It doesn't matter that the people voted it down, we'll just ignore that vote and do what we want. And oh, yeah... when we screw you for the stadium, the moment it gets paid for, the taxes come off.

Remember that?

Who here didn't know the democrat scum behind this scam weren't lying?

Here's the particulars... but they center around the fact that the taxes ain't coming off unless the senate remembers what honor and integrity actually mean and rightfully spike this liar's bill.

Safeco Field taxes would live on under bill moving
through Legislature ( file photo)

A measure approved by the state House late Friday would allow the extension of a raft of taxes now being used to pay off the late Kingdome, Qwest Field and Safeco Field, with the money going to fund an expansion of the convention center in Seattle and to support arts and culture.

But sports fans hoping for a new place for an NBA team to play would be out of luck. House Bill 1997 specifically prohibits any of the tax money from being used “for acquiring or constructing a stadium used by a professional sports franchise.”

H.B. 1997 is sponsored by Rep. Tina Orwall, D-Des Moines, and has the strong backing of King County Executive Dow Constantine, the labor unions and most business and arts group. However it was only approved by a 55 to 42 vote. Opponents say the Legislature promised voters in 1995 that any levies used to pay for Safeco would go away when the new field was paid for. They feel that promise should be kept. Safeco Field should be paid off this year; the Kingdome and Qwest Field will be debt free later this decade.

The measure, which would raise hundreds of millions of dollars in the coming decades, now heads to the state Senate. The bill would allow King County to extend car rental taxes, a 0.5 percent restaurant and bar tax and a 2 percent hotel/motel tax. Monies collected would be used to expand the Washington State Convention Center, fund arts and culture programs and build housing for service and hotel workers.

Orwall says her bill would create 4,5000 new construction jobs, 3,000 new, permanent jobs, create more than $1 billion in economic activity and lure 130,000 in additional visitors each year. Others aren’t so sure. Peter Callaghan, a columnist for The News Tribune, points out that the convention center has already been expanded – and this at a time when it is drawing fewer and fewer visitors.

“Only in the tax-supported convention center business do managers and consultants think the solution to a shortage of demand is to create even more supply,” Callaghan wrote.

Orwall disagrees with the naysayers.

“This is exactly what King County needs right now to prompt a faster recovery,” she aid in a statement after her bill passed out of the House. “It makes sense to invest in construction and infrastructure, support an environment where the arts and culture flourish and prosper, and develop the hospitality and service sectors to bring more tourists to Washington state.”

Imagine... democrats lying to get more money.

Contrary to what that lying witch tells us, if keeping that tax in place would cure cancer, give the Seahawks an offensive line, provide the Mariners with decent hitting and pitching, get rid of Obama, and restore peace in the Middle East, there is STILL no justification for lying to those you would govern and keeping that tax in place.

And this is a lie. Much like the lies flying around concerning our very own government officials and CRC.

Rep, Orwall just shows the act of lying to be endemic among the left. I, for one, hope she chokes on it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Quoting article:
"...Orwall says her bill would create 4,5000 new construction jobs, 3,000 new, permanent jobs, create more than $1 billion in economic activity and lure 130,000 in additional visitors each year. Others aren’t so sure. Peter Callaghan, a columnist for The News Tribune, points out that the convention center has already been expanded – and this at a time when it is drawing fewer and fewer visitors.

“Only in the tax-supported convention center business do managers and consultants think the solution to a shortage of demand is to create even more supply,” Callaghan wrote."

Anyone ever heard of the similar situation - money pit with the Oregon Convention Center in Portland?