Sunday, February 13, 2011

The nature of His Honor, the Mayor of America's Vancouver, Tim "The Liar" Leavitt.

Anyone involved in politics locally or anyone reading this blog knows full well of the disdain I have for the slimeball currently, and unfortunately, elected to the position of mayor of Vancouver.

I wasn't a big fan of the former mayor, Royce Pollard. I believed him to be naive because of his early support of the organized criminal enterprise known as the Mohegan/Paskenta/Cowlitz/Barnett Megacasino.... and I certainly opposed his position on the bridge, which we do not need and cannot afford, as well as loot rail, which is the root cause of this colossal waste of $10 billion or so... the support for the megacasino turning into staunch opposition as more facts emerged.

But Pollard had one thing going for him that Tim "The Liar" Leavitt will never have: he told the truth.

Like his positions or hate them, you always knew where he stood. One might argue that Leavitt did the same thing Pollard did when he changed positions on the megacasino. One might, but one would be wrong.

Pollard hadn't dealt with the Barnett's on a daily basis like The Liar had the issue of the Bridge/Loot Rail project. Pollard had little to go on except the apparent sincerity of the Barnetts... because we all wanted to think the best about these people... and many did... until they proved themselves wrong.

Leavitt, on the other hand, knew everything there was to know about the bridge/loot rail project. So his magic "awakening" to the alleged reality he faced was theatrics, pure and simple; unlike Pollard, The Liar was, well, lying from the beginning.

Many, confused by Leavitt's lies, supported him because of his very public stance against tolls. The problem with that is I knew he was lying when he started that issue, an issue he made up out of whole cloth because really, there isn't much of a reason to vote out an incumbent when you've supported him 99% of the time in the past.

Knowing that, you've got to lie to get elected. Knowing that, you've got to deceive to get elected.

Anyone paying close attention to The Liar's campaign knew his position on the bridge was an outright lie. You'd know that by the people he'd surrounded himself with. Major bridger/looter Steve Stuart, democrat county commissioner, ran his campaign. The now former county democrat chair (fired in part because of her involvement with The Liar's campaign) Dean Horton, was also a major player.

With those two on board, you knew two things: first, that Leavitt was lying about his bridge position. The is no way... NO WAY, Steve Stuart would have supported a mayoral candidate opposed to the bridge, loot rail or tolls. Secondly, you knew that the GOP'ers who fell for that trash were going to get screwed. And, of course, they did.

That will, of course, never be water under Leavitt's "bridge." Now that he's publicly "right" on the bridge issue, the despicable rag that passes for a daily paper here will continue to engage in their buddy's public rehabilitation, his lies be damned. After all, he's carrying their water, so there's no way they'd ever treat him like they treated VanNortwick or Boger.

But for some people, namely The Liar, the paper's kneepads aren't good enough.

As an example, at the last citizen's comments, there was a citizen who took the time to show up and provide kudo's to the bridge, loot rail, and to generally be The Liar's mouthpiece in opposition to the will of the citizens.

What I have been informed, however, is that this citizen is in the midst of, well, how do I put this... an "intimate relationship" with the Mayor? A relationship that neither disclosed before that citizens verbal, well, "servicing" of the mayor for the record... or after.

I have the names, the people involved, where they work and everything else to verify this kind of thing.

But I am not going to post them... this time.

This is a warning to the mayor: If you EVER try and pull another stunt like this again, you're going to run directly into a fan of facts.

And given your past "indiscretions," I'm pretty sure you don't want that... do you?

Here's the link to the citizens communications in question.

Of course, you could do us all a favor and resign.

But that's up to you.

Cross posted on Tim Leavitt Watch.


Anonymous said...

If you want to see what the city council things of the Columbia River Crossing, you might want to view the video AFTER citizen's communications. It is quite long (about 45 minutes.)

And finally, the kudos and comments from steve stuart (you might want to watch those comments.)

K.J. Hinton said...

Thanks... I'll definitely check those out.

Anonymous said...

Just another bit of information, ALL of the city of Vancouver councilors comment. So this is not going to be the same, usual runaround, waste of time that most of the city council sessions are like. (both workshops & council sessions.)

And one more thing, the Bridge Review Panel (CRC) is going to have an information session over at the Expo, Thursday. I know you have a huge chip on your shoulder on the political side but you might want to go to this & get more information about the process that they went under. I might try and go myself to learn more before I open my mouth further on subject.

Calendar Link:

And the very NEXT morning at 10am is the CRC Project sponsorship meeting over at ODOT hq, though I think this is just going to be another gladhand & questions about the report that the above people wrote.

K.J. Hinton said...

Unfortunately, I'll be undergoing some medical tests at the PDX VA thursday that will keep me out of meetings or much of anything else... but I appreciate your efforts at keeping me and the readers informed ...

Martin Hash said...

Concerning the City Council video:

Nothing, nothing, nothing. Jeanne Harris said she read the new "Outside Independent Review" (110 pages) - liar.

Concerning the Commissioners video:

Stuart is a smoooooth talker. The information he awaits should be coming from the $110 million study - NOT private citizens.