Tuesday, January 11, 2011

When the GOP gets stupid: Cong. Peter King (R-NY) is a case in point.

Rep. Peter King has joined with the leftist morons in implementing Rahm Emanuel's determination to never let a crisis go to waste, has moronically decided to exclude the 2nd Amendment from within 1000 feet of, well, congressmen... and other federal officials.

The idiocy of such a requirement is self evident: While that slimeball Loughner used a pistol, the existence of the kind of law that King now advocates (Doing the exact same thing the left has been doing... making political points off this tragedy) would have made precisely zero difference in this tragedy... much like the idiotic ban in school areas has, you guessed it, had precisely no impact on school shootings... becoming yet another example of confusing motion with action.

Some people have some weird ideas about the Constitution. They advocate that parts of it shouldn't apply when and where they want it to not apply.

In this case, King's idiocy applies to the 2nd Amendment.

How far away are we from having total morons like King attempting to restrict the 1st Amendment within 1000 feet of federal officials?

King has been right about a few things. But in this instance, his knee-jerk is to engage in political theatrics. This law is unenforceable, and solves nothing... except to hold King up to well-deserved ridicule.


Lew said...

Great, once again, disarm law-abiding citizens while allowing criminals to sneak in and shoot defenseless people.

Idiocy crosses party lines again.

Gr8mochas said...

In my opinion, this has little to do with guns. This young man is a barometer that we should pay attention to. Our country and its citizens are under a huge weight of stress. The more pressure that our population comes under, the more people you will see who crack under the pressure. The weak and mentally unstable will act out first because they are the most vulnerable and as more stress is applied, we will see others break under the pressure. It's like tempering a pipe, the more pressure that is applied to the pipe, the weak places in the pipe burst. This young man burst and we should pay attention to that. He is but a symptom of the brokenness that we are experiencing throughout our country and he will not be the last to break if we don't fix it. There are many more crumbling under the pressure that we don't hear about and that should be as distressing as the news we are hearing about.

It isn't about guns, it is about fixing what is wrong, fixing the economy so people can go back to work, support their families and not have to worry about where the next dollar is coming from, whether they are going to have a home next year and every other financial pressure you can imagine. We can't keep treating the symptoms, we have to treat the root of the problem and once that is done, good things will start being produced.

Lew said...

From what I've been reading, Kriss, after he almost died of alcohol poisoning a couple years ago, he's never been the same.

He's had a few run-ins with the law, was known by the sheriff who is trashing the right to have made several threats to kill people, booted out of college over bizarre conduct and actions and no one did anything.

Not his parents, who were informed by the college police or the sheriff's dept that told those who were threatened by him that it was serious and nothing to worry about.

Left or right rhetoric had little if anything to do with this guy, too many dropped the ball on his extreme behavior, preventing him from having a criminal record that would have prevented his purchasing a hand gun a couple months ago.

While political rhetoric does need to tone down, seeing the left ratchet it up to score political points by demanding others ratchet it down is lame.

They have yet to ever even acknowledge their abominable treatment of Bush and others throughout his term, much less apologize.

Gr8mochas said...

Hi Lew! I agree with you and didn't mean to give the impression that I was attributing this man's behavior to political rhetoric. I guess I am in a different place than most people because I deal with over-stressed and emotionally distressed individuals.

Over the last two years I have seen the stress level in our community consistently rise and that is mainly what I was addressing. Individuals who have been weakened in their mental health, no matter what the cause have a reduced ability to cope with fear and stress. This young man had issues, significant issues not caused by either political side, having nothing to do with politics. However, right now all of us can feel the pressure and the fear of our families and friends, we read about tragedies in the paper every day or hear about them on the news. It all adds up and he may just not have been able to handle it.

Thanks for the comment...well taken.