Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The slippery slope of the idiocy of repealing DADT: Tranny's want in.

Well, it's started. It will, no doubt, end up with certain people wanting into the military who demand the right to be out in their involvement with gerbils.

Lew Waters has the run down. Check it out, check it outters:

No Slippery Slope With Repeal of DA/DT You Said?

By lewwaters

In all of the arguments ongoing for years, since the implementation of what has become known as Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, the policy of allow Gays to serve in the Military, as long as they kept their sexuality to themselves, we that opposed such a repeal have repeatedly been told how ignorant, out of touch with reality and downright hateful we were over opposing the repeal.

We that opposed the repeal repeatedly warned it was the beginning of a slippery slope and that once the door was opened, others groups considered “deviant” by many would ride the coattails of Gay Activists and force their way to recognition as well through our Military.

We were shouted down and subjected to hateful rhetoric from Gay Activists and their supporters for our “bigotry” and inciting hatred by even suggesting such a thing would happen.

It didn’t take long for our opposition to be proven right. Even before the full dismantling of ‘Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell,’ we read of “Transgender Vets Want Military Access” from an Associated Press article.

Who knew there even was such a thing as Transgender American Veterans
, apparently organized in 2003 as the heated rhetoric of repealing DA/DT was gearing up louder and louder?

51-year-old retired Petty Officer First Class Autumn Sandeen, one of six arrested last April for handcuffing themselves to the White House fence in protest of Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell and who served in the Navy as a man, said of the congressional repeal of DA/DT, “This is another bridesmaid moment for the transgender community.”

I assume that to mean one step closer to forced acceptance of their lifestyle in the Military as well as we read,

“The “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy now heading toward history does not apply to transgender recruits, who are automatically disqualified as unfit for service. But the military’s long-standing posture on gender-identity has not prevented transgender citizens from signing up before they come out, or from obtaining psychological counseling, hormones and routine health care through the Department of Veterans Affairs once they return to civilian life.”

Presuming such a thing is true, then it, of course, should be stopped immediately... but all of that said, what's next? This is just one of the MANY reasons why repealing DADT was a horrific idea.

First, there is no right to serve.

Second, you don't like the rules?

Then don't enlist.

How hard is this?

Get more over at Lew's:


Lew said...

Missing in comments favorable to more of this idiocy, taxpayers will end up footing the bill for the expensive surgery to "correct" these people's view of themselves.

And we worried about federal funding of abortions?

This will be even more egregious.

Martin Hash said...

I dislike being involved in this argument since I have nothing to do with it (never served) but since the military is public the Constitution keeps dragging me in...

Really, me and all the people like me (however many there may be?), don't care about transgender or gerbils or celibacy or anything else that doesn't involve another person's rights. If you want to rachet this discussion up to man-on-boy then I'll come in on your side.

K.J. Hinton said...

OK, Martin... please show me where, in the Constitution, anyone; homosexual or no, has a right to serve.

What ratchets it "up" for me is one question and one question only: will this crap make us MORE combat effective?

Or less?

And, of course, Lew and I are "cursed" with having actually served, providing us with a perspective the vast amjority of anti-DADT proponents are not so inculcated with.

Martin Hash said...

You know my argument, and you know I give both of you credit.