Saturday, January 15, 2011

Redux: Why I blew off the Obama spectacle part trois: It was an Obama Campaign event.

So, in case anyone wondered if the White House was lying when they claimed they had "no idea" the Empty Suit's appearance in Tucson was a campaign stop... or if they were naive enough to believe that the White House had no idea that people would applaud and cheer... here's proof they DID know and that, once again, that anti-American racist bigot is a lying scumbag, Directorblue comes through with the goods:

White House: we were shocked that Tucson memorial crowd hooted and hollered throughout because our APPLAUSE signs were actually quite discrete

I don't know what you thought while watching the memorial service in Tucson, but the raucous crowd's cheers, shrieks and crowing struck me as wildly inappropriate and -- at worst -- borderline disrespectful. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said he was surprised at the crowd's behavior as well.

I will say that I read the speech several times and thought that there wouldn't be a lot of applause if any. I think many of us thought that. But I think there was a celebration, again, of the lives of those who had been impacted. Not just at that grocery store but throughout the country. And I think that, if that is part of the healing process, then that's a good thing.

I, for one, feel certain that the White House had no earthly idea the quad Jumbotrons were telling the audience to applaud every six or seven words.

Hat tips: Gateway Pundit and Larwyn.

This picture, shot at the memorial on the ceiling of the gym, speaks for itself.

That this slimy worm would bastardize this solemn occasion shows that there is no level he won't sink to... no lie he won't tell. And that's why in November of 12, we must replace him with someone of character.

Because he doesn't have any.



Anonymous said...

Kelly, I thought you might be intererested in this story if you have not heard it yet...

"Feds threaten to sue states over union laws" (state constitutional changes....)


K.J. Hinton said...

Thanks... that's the kind of info that matters...

Gr8mochas said...

Well, it's like I said before...when you had a chief of staff (Rohm Emanuel) whose motto was "never let a good crisis go to waste" that says it all. The liberal side of the aisle is going to take advantage of everything they can to make him look good.

When I heard he was going to this memorial service, the first question I asked was why. Most presidents don't get involved in stuff like that, but then most presidents don't go on the Tonight Show and appear with Jon Stewart. Mostly because when the President attends something it changes the tenor of it. He brings secret service and cameras and advance groups etc. That isn't what these people needed. Most presidents are respectful of the American people in their processes and they don't attend, they send a representative or they make a phone call. That is less intrusive. Obama doesn't think like that, because...again, it's all about him.

Unknown said...

Closed captioning for the deaf and hearing impaired. I suppose if a particularly stupid person were to choose that exact moment to look at the screen for the very first time, they _might_ mistake it for a command. You'd have to be determinedly ignorant to actually think this was evidence of something sinister.

K.J. Hinton said...

I would venture to say that "determinedly ignorant" cuts both ways.

The campaigned theme t-shirts along with this kind of thing tend to cause me to believe that a preponderance of evidence supports my contention.

The word "applause" had precisely zero place in this what-was-supposed-to-be solemn occasion.


I'm forced, as a result, to believe that the president's speech writing staff is blindingly incompetent or that the president didn't read the speech ahead of time, making HIM blindingly incompetent.

Either way, the Wellstonian aspects of this gathering speak for themselves.

To think otherwise is, dare I say, "determinedly ignorant?"