Saturday, December 04, 2010

The stupidity of Michelle Obama knows no bounds.

Welcome to the New Department of School Bake Sale Police.

That's right, kids. We're fighting two wars, have a border security set up that makes a sieve look like a concrete wall; we can't find jobs to save our lives, our foreign and domestic policies have been lowered to the level of punch lines for jokes; our attorney general can be over in Switzerland shilling... typically unsuccessfully... for the World Cup while terrorists try and blow up Christmas Tree lighting ceremonies... and the Klingon Princess can whup her old man into regulating bake sales... and then wasting $4.5 billion to require schools to provide free dinners to children going to their schools.

And in the mean time, that moron wants to have the power to regulate what and when can be sold in back sales at our schools, because, as you know, Bake Sales are THE Number ONE cause of child hood obesity.

There is likely no program more abused and defrauded besides free or reduced cost lunches at our schools. And it's a program BEGGING to be abused and defrauded.

I don't have a real problem feeding kids when their parents can't REALLY afford it. (Which goes beyond the question of why they're having kids they can't afford) but I DO have a real problem with this program because you are not REQUIRED to PROVE you can't afford it.

All you do is sign a form. And if you smoke or drink, then guess what?

You CAN afford to pay for your kid's meals... you just don't want to, when Uncle Sugar comes around and relieves you of that peculiar responsibility.

All this about the time Obama's fiscal commission calls for deficit cuts.

Thanks, Klingon Princess.

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