Monday, December 27, 2010

Professor Jacobson again speaks for many: "He's Everybody's President."

That's one of the things we're going to see more and more beginning today. These calls for civility and bi-partisanship... or to the fringe leftist, the hidden calls to "do it our way."

Well, to quote that empty suited, anti-American racist bigot occupying the White House, "Elections have consequences."

The consequences of THIS election should include hearings on everything from Holder's violation of non-minority voter's civil rights (His support of Black Panther intimidation) to Bawney Fwank's involvement in the economic melt down.

That's what we SHOULD do.

Like what we SHOULD do would ever happen. Just look at the lame duck Senate session.

He's Everybody's President

Okay, the last two plus years, in which we have been called every name in the book by Obama, his administration, the Democrats in Congress, and the Democratic base, are forgiven and forgotten.

Let's just make pretend it never happened:

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Me, I'm still waiting for apologies.
May be. But I ain't holding my breath.


Lew said...

Aren't these many of the same people who implied, or sometimes outright stated, that George W. Bush "wasn't my president?"

K.J. Hinton said...

Of course. But you see, over the years, this sort of thing has been perfectly fine when practiced by the left.

The right quickly forgets because we don't like it when they name call, and we want to be everyone's friend, so we grudgingly go along (As per the recent DADT betrayal.)

We fear the constant application of Rule 5. So, we cave by degrees and over time. The left is incessant; their pressure never stops; it's only rerouted or slowed down... but to me, it always seems they get what they want. It's just a matter of time.

So, we quickly forget. I, personally, would take Obama's pet phrase, that "elections have consequences" and politically beat him to a pulp with it.

Allegedly, elections DO have consequences. But at this point, it seems they were instrumental in accomplishing nothing.

Unfortunately, as the lame duck showed, the consequences were few because of the lack of any measurable GOP backbone.

Will Boehner do what has to be done in between crying jags?

Are you holding your breath?