Monday, December 06, 2010

Only as fake Republican would vote to raise property taxes while doing nothing to make employees pay some part of their health insurance.

Yesterday's propaganda effort by the democratian included the unpleasant news that alleged Republican Marc Boldt (who, in the interest of full disclosure, is my brother in law) is rapidly moving towards full blown, "fake Republican" status with his decision to sell out his constituency by first, not forcing county employees to pay SOME portion of their health care premiums... you know, like the rest of the world does? And second, by RAISING our property taxes in the midst of this horrific recession.

I don't speak to Marc all that much anymore. Since he lied to my face last February about holding an advisory vote on the colassal waste and extravageance of the I-5 bridge/loot rail project this past November, I haven't seen much of a reason to bother. And now, in full "protect-my-job-lock-step" with Steve "Easy Money" Stuart, I'm thinking that the courageous, principled state representative I devoted 6 years of my professional life to has disappeared, and become something else.

But all that is in keeping with his deal to get Ridgefield Barbie appointed to the House so she could ditch that job as fast as possible and move on. Acting as Cathy McMorris's punk and making the deal with Axel and George that foisted that political waste of skin on us in the first place was the death knell for the integrity, courage and conviction that I had watched him display in Olympia, no matter the situation or the odds.

Endorsing Stuart's elections, even when his former legislative seatmate and room mate, Tom Mielke was running for commissioner and in this most recent cycle has seen Marc gradually drifting away from what he was to full-blown, completely co-opted downtown mafia politician... because principle won't replace a $96,000 or so pay check, and he apparently believes that a fringe-leftist like Stuart is the way to make that happen.

The Marc Boldt I knew would never consider raising taxes to hurt the people of this county. He would never consider not requiring county employees to pay some substantial portion of their health care. He would never consider lying to me.

And that's why I wish he would just quit screwing around and change parties. He's acting like Stuart, voting like Stuart, and screwing us like Stuart. So, he might as well just become a democrat and get it over with.

Lew Waters has the down low. Check it out.

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