Sunday, December 12, 2010

More Laird stupidity on the Drub Us Act.

In the world of the fringe leftist, laws are mere suggestions, to be ignored whenever the cause is "just."

As a result, we get moronic pronouncements and non sequiturs that make no sense, but are all too typical of fringe leftist nutters like Laid at the democratian.

His bogus spew today:
As often is the case, I like to view this issue from a golfer’s perspective. Let’s say I get a hole-in-one and my playing partner says, “You did everything necessary to qualify for a hole-in-one, but your dad didn’t pay his speeding ticket 15 years ago, so I’m giving you a 2.” Such is the warped logic of the DREAM Act’s detractors.
When the proper approach to the issue is from the golf course owner's perspective:

Let's say you're trespassing on my golf course or are otherwise ignoring the laws relevant to golf courses... like selling drugs, killing other golfers, using up the golf course's services without paying or permission?

I'm going to have you arrested. I'm going to have you locked up and imprisoned. And then, I'm going to have you kicked out.

Morons like Laird think they should get a pass. He's incapable of understanding that the issue isn't from the perspective of the law BREAKER. It is, instead, from the perspective of the law ENFORCER. Using his moronic approach, any burglar should feel free to break into Laird's hovel, help themselves to anything they want, AND watch cable all the time they're doing it.

Big John would pour you a cup of coffee while you were doing it.

Such is the idiocy of the fringe left whack job.

What that idiot refers to, oh so politely, as "undocumented students" are, in fact, illegal aliens.

I have no particular problem with illegal aliens becoming citizens... as long as they go back to wherever it is they came from, go apply and get in line like everybody else.

Simpletons like Laird would reward their proven disdain for our laws and regulations, not to mention their disdain for their fellow aliens who actually DO obey the laws, by providing them the ultimate reward for breaking our laws.

He wants to dress it up and use completely irrelevant descriptions to buttress their open-borders, socialist crap in here. But what he's talking about is the ultimate in reinforcing illegal behavior... the Holy Grail, in fact.

Laird offers nothing to indicate this bill will do anything to reduce or eliminate the illegal alien problem, because it won't... it will, in fact, increase the pull of the illegal alien magnet total morons like Laird would build.

That such ignorance can be allowed access to a soapbox... even one as corrupt and worthless as the democratian... simply defies explanation. But it is what we've come to expect from the cancer on our society... so who can be surprised?

We must address the illegal alien problem now.

We must pass laws that will permanently disqualify illegal aliens from ever gaining either permanent residence OR citizenship in this country.

We must pass laws that will enable the confiscation of businesses hiring these criminals.

We must require any and all government agencies, including schools and hospitals, to report illegal aliens using any government service.

Those working for these agencies who don't happen to like the idea of being in a position to report illegals coming through their doorway can always quit in protest. I'm sure they'll be able to get a job somewhere else... if an illegal alien hasn't taken it.

Until Americans become a little more interested in getting our laws enforced, morons like Laird will continue to bleat that we must turn a blind eye to the laws and those violating them instead of taking every reasonable step to enforce them.

But then, Laird IS a fringe-left nutter. What else should we expect?


Lew said...

Actually, simply enforcing the laws we have already would suffice.

Otherwise, I see this so-called "Dream Act" as nothing more than an incremental step towards amnesty for all illegal aliens.

As I said in the comments there, my German born daughter is entitled to absolutely nothing from the country of Germany.

She's an American!

K.J. Hinton said...

it would suffice... if it weren't too late.

With millions here already, I believe providing additional reasons for that population to leave by itself (as opposed to the old canard of 'rounding them all up') is something we need to look at.

Right now, the left keeps holding out the carrot of amnesty. Does that make it more likely, or less likely that illegals will come here?

I say, reverse that philosophy, let the world know that coming here illegally will permanently deprive them of any hope of legal residence or citizenship as a starter.

It's a low-cost, administrative action that would seem to me to be relatively easy to take. With that restriction in place, it would narrow the focus down to knowing that the illegals here aren't here to become one of us as the left would continue to whine; but instead to leach off of us at no cost to their country of origin.

And tell the leaders of those country who are attempting to interfere with the government of this country (You listening, Calderon?) to get stuffed. Because if the illegals don't like it, then they can always, well, leave.

Gr8mochas said...

Some of the problem can be addressed just by taking a firm stand. When Arizona did it, about a third of their illegal population voluntarily moved to New Mexico. It would be the same across the board of we would just get a unified approach.