As we all know by know, the Empty Suit recently elected to Congress from the 5th District (Ahem.... I meant the THIRD district) was a big supporter of the SEIU. Co-sponsoring and voting for legislation that would have required day care workers to join that union while the OWNERS of day care facilities payed their dues, Babs worked that bill like they were paying her... which, come to think of it, they were.
Well, these fine, upstanding-hypocrite-major-supporters-of-Obamacare have just dumped the children of 30,000 low-wage home attendants, reinforcing both what a lying scumbag Obama is is and how utterly worthless unions generally and this one specifically happen to be.
Here it is: read it and, well, you know.
November 20, 2010, 7:40 PM ET Union Drops Health Coverage for Workers’ Children
H/T to the Wall Street Journal and More:By Yuliya Chernova
- Associated
Press- Jason Morales, an 1199SEIU member from Brooklyn, protested proposed health-care cuts in the state budget in June. A benefit fund for the union is dropping insurance coverage for workers’ children.
One of the largest union-administered health-insurance funds in New York is dropping coverage for the children of more than 30,000 low-wage home attendants, union officials said. The union blamed financial problems it said were caused by the state’s health department and new national health-insurance requirements.
The fund is administered by 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East, an affiliate of the Service Employees International Union. Union officials said the state compelled the fund to start buying coverage from a third party, which increased premiums by 60%. State health officials denied forcing the union fund to make the switch, saying the fund had been struggling financially even before the switch to third-party coverage.
The fund informed its members late last month that their dependents will no longer be covered as of Jan. 1, 2011. Currently about 6,000 children are covered by the benefit fund, some until age 23.
The union fund faced a “dramatic shortfall” between what employers contributed to the fund and the premiums charged by its insurance provider, Fidelis Care, according to Mitra Behroozi, executive director of benefit and pension funds for 1199SEIU. The union fund pools contributions from several home-care agencies and then buys insurance from Fidelis.
Cross posted at Jaime Herrera Watch, because she's earned it.
"..One of the largest union-administered health-insurance funds in New York is dropping coverage for the children of more than 30,000 low-wage home attendants, union officials said. The union blamed financial problems it said were caused by the state’s health department and new national health-insurance requirements.
The fund is administered by 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East, an affiliate of the Service Employees International Union. "
Kelly, please tell me how this affects a union on the west coast? Aren't the SEIU unions different entities under common umbrella but have different values and independent thought processes for the state and regional issues that that union faces?
Why would this SIEU's local have relevance to a local union in Washington state?
Aren't the SEIU unions different entities?
to the extent that they are run by different administrative bodies.
under (a) common umbrella?
Yup. Kind of like the US Army.
but have different values and independent thought processes?
Of course not.
Just for one example, list any SEIU organization or local that objected to Obamacare or didn't endorse Obama's election?
That they are different groups within a larger group is undeniable. That the commonality of these groups rests upon core principles that differ or are independent in any way is without foundation or fact.
The same could be said of the various ACORN organizations... which were, of course, all "different entities under (a) common umbrella" but based on the evidence presented hardly possessed of "different values and independent thought processes."
for the state and regional issues that that union faces?
To me, it's not that different then the muslim jihad: The SEIU wants everyone they can possibly get to be members, even if they don't want to be, no matter the cost.
That was the crux of the bill Herrera co-sponsored, that is the basis for the huge SEIU membership, and much of that membership became members as a result of the promised benefits of said membership... only to have those benefits disappear.
That one of the, if not the largest locals in that organization, dumps on their constituency; then it is merely a matter of (a short) time until pretty much all SEIU unions do the same thing... because they can... and they will do that without making their membership optional or reducing the dues of the members.
Much like the US Army, IMHO, the SEIU is the SEIU is the SEIU. When it suits them, that is certainly the persona they want to project.
As a result, when the same thing happens here, (And it will once the dust settles... because really, is their any reason from their perspective that it shouldn't?) the relevance of this particular trial balloon will become self-evident.
Thanks for stopping by.
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