Monday, November 08, 2010

John Laird Myth: the Democratian is not partisan driven in their endorsements.

Following the continuing Democratian concept of Goebellian propaganda and the institutional hammering and bias towards those wise enough to oppose their agenda, we get this from John Laird:

Myth:The Columbian’s endorsements prove how the newspaper is out of touch with its readers.

Reality:As of Friday, 72 percent of Columbian endorsements matched the will of the voters. This percentage traditionally is 60-75. Remember, we never endorse with the percentage in mind; each endorsement is made independently. The only reason I bring this up is to refute complaints that the newspaper is out of touch with voters.

First truth: the Democratian shows their biases and how far out of touch they are in a variety of ways... not just endorsements.

One need read no farther then the hit piece they did on David Madore where they apparently found it impossible to find anyone, candidate or no, who supported Madore's efforts, so they only quoted the fringe left nuttbergers he very nearly defeated.

No... no bias there, right?

Second, let's look at the record.

There were 5 contested House races this year. Of those 5, 3 of one block were endorsed.

Guess the party.

There were 5 contested county races this year. (Commissioner, Sheriff, Assessor, Clerk and Treasurer.)

Of those 5, 4 of one block were endorsed this year.

Guess the party.

In 2008, from the President on down, one block of candidates were endorsed for all open seats.

(President, State Treasurer, County Commissioner, 17th District House)

Guess the Party.

So, of the 14 seats endorsed in this example, the newspaper endorsed.... 3 Republicans.

Taking it a step further, the rag not only failed to endorse Republicans in most instances, but it then proceeded to HAMMER many of those same Republicans while ignoring many of the foibles of the democrats... and then do so so badly that even Bully Brancaccio wound up having to stage a retreat... having gone so far as to peg the bigotry meter.

The rag blasted a political newcomer to the scene, and even today allowed the scum to attack him without any effort at balance.

So, yeah. "Out of touch with the voters" is a POLITE way to put it.

And, of course, we can't wait for the Democratian to begin to demand that the people... the voters they're so "in touch with" will have a vote on the entire massive waste of billions known as the Bridge replacement/loot rail project.

After all, a rag so "in touch" wouldn't have any difficulty demanding that we be allowed to have3 a voice.... wouldn't it? What's to fear? They'd never do ANYTHING in opposition to the will of the people.... would they?

Because, according to Laird, they are ANYTHING but "out of touch," right?

Clearly, self-delusion is the hallmark of the fringe left. Just ask one of its two major area proponents... John Laird.

Here's a little more of this bigot's spew:

Myth: So there must be no place for ultra-conservatives to hide in our state.

Reality: They can always move to Adams County, where Republican Dino Rossi won 73 percent of the votes. Ritzville is the county seat, 12.2 percent of residents have bachelor’s degrees, per capita income is $13,534 and the poverty rate is 17.9 percent. (You’re free to take those last two myth-reality assessments and draw any conclusions you like about the state’s most liberal and most conservative counties.)

I'm actually going to help Laird with that, by engaging uin a little less biased rewrite:

Myth: So there must be no place for ultra-fringe left whack jobs like Laird to hide in our country.

Reality: He can always move to the liberal utopia of Detroit, where you can actually buy a house for $5000 if you can avoid getting murdered. Democrat Barack Obama won around 73 percent of the votes. 11 percent of residents have bachelor’s degrees, per capita income is $14,260 and the poverty rate is 26.1 percent. (You’re free to take those last two myth-reality assessments and draw any conclusions you like about the country's most liberal and conservative areas.)

There. Much better.


Anonymous said...

I'm conducting my own personal survey of asking my friends, "Did your church recognize veterans in the service on Sunday?" So far, even my own, I must admit did not. And at last count of 4, none has said "yes". Have we become so politically correct that even our churches are afraid to recognize the sacrifice & service of the military that has allowed the pastors the freedom to stand in their pulpits to preach from the Bible. Disgusting!

Anonymous said...

Sorry..meant to place my comment under tin ear Obama.....John Laird, UGH! He has a tin brain