Friday, November 26, 2010

If it's important to the people of Clark County, you won't read about it in the democratian.

We were almost attacked tonight by a scumbag terrorist who thought it would just be keen to blow hundreds of Americans to pieces by setting up and detonating an IED... in downtown Portland.

It is the closest thing we've had to murder on this scale here locally; and the perpetrator seems to be a naturalized Somali-American muslim.

When I found out about this effort, I looked at my wife and asked, rhetorically, "if that son of a bitch had pulled this off, can you imagine what would be going on around here... right now?"

So, I thought I'd whip on over to the local swindle sheet and see what they had top say about it.

Imagine my surprise when I discovered their input and reporting was precisely the same as much smaller papers in the area. You know... like The Reflector and the CW Post Record?

In short, as I write this, Clark County's worthless bird cage liner has precisely not one damned thing on their web site about this horrific possibility.

I bet every other daily in the Western United States does... but not out local waste of trees.

And why am I not surprised?

Blogs all over the country have news and information about this... see, for example.

Yeah, it's those damned bloggers that Brancaccio so despises that are, once again, making up for the worthless rag that is... the democratian.

1 comment:

Lew said...

Portland got lucky last night.

But, we don't need to worry people that it very well could happen over here one day.