Friday, November 12, 2010

Another example of the all-too-frequent stupidity of a public school: School Makes Boy Take American Flag Off Bike

Are the parents of that school system supposed to have confidence in a group of idiots that would do that?

As for me, if confronted with such a requirement, I would tell my kid to keep the flag on the bike and ride it... like he has for the past 2 months... and if the school takes the flag off his bike, I would call the police and have whoever did it arrested. And if they suspended my kid for refusing to take the flag off, I would sue the crap out of them and become their worst nightmare at every school board meeting.

This was obviously done as a result of Veteran's Day. And as for those students "complaining" about the flag?

Tough. They don't have to look or THEY can stay home.

Good God, what are we coming to as a Nation when the idiots running a school engage in this kind of virulent anti-patriotism?

School Makes Boy Take American Flag Off Bike


13-year-old Cody Alicea rides with an American flag on the back of his bike.

He says he does this to be patriotic and to honor veterans, like his own grandfather, Robert. He's had the flag on his bike for two months but Monday,was told to take it down.

Watch the video here

A school official at Denair Middle School told Cody some students had been complaining about the flag and it was no longer allowed on school property.

"In this country we're supposed to be free," said Cody. "And I should be able to wave my flag wherever I want to. And they're telling me I can't."

Cody's grandfather says the school was concerned about racial tensions or uprisings because of the flag. He feels if there was really a problem it should have been brought up two months ago, not during Veterans week.

"No action should be taken. We don't want any repercussion," said Roger. "We just want Cody to be proud of what he's doing."

Follow this and other stories on or

No excuse. No justification. They ought to fire the lot of them.


Lew said...

Just how is it that freedom of expression no longer includes honoring the flag of our nation?

Martin Hash said...

This coincides well with the "say the pledge" debate we engaged in here a couple weeks ago... In that case "the group" was "forcing" an individual, against their liberty, to chant. However, in this case "the group" is forcing an individual, against their liberty, not to express themselves.

p.s. Though I support the kid given these simple facts, he could easily be a pawn in something else.

K.J. Hinton said...

While that may be, what I'm sure of is this: if this had been, say, a Mexican flag the school officials had ordered removed from some kid's bike, their professional world would have already ended.

And there seems to me to be something wrong with that kind of double standard.

I hope it's a face-value thing. Time, of course, will tell.

But it is is, in fact, some sort of a contrived issue, then the school has willingly fallen into that particular trap.

Gr8mochas said...

I agree with Lew as I don't quite understand why saying the Pledge of Allegiance or honoring our flag is such an issue these days. As I have pondered this, one of the things that I have thought about is that we don't seem to have a standard of conduct anymore. Knowing how to honor our flag, opening appropriate meetings with the Pledge was well known by most people....along with appropriate dress and good manners. We are Americans, it is our heritage and there is nothing wrong with engaging in it.