Sunday, October 24, 2010



Murray represents the worst the Senate has to offer. Rated the "4th dumbest member of Congress" by Progressive Magazine out of Madison, Wisconsin, Murray has never met a tax she didn't like; is actually proud of the Obamacare abortion she helped to induce, and is all about the socialist utopia our empty suited, anti-American racist bigot president has launched; has a long history of corruption and wasting hundreds of millions to pay off her donors, a series of lying campaign ads that she continues to run even after getting called on them, while she's using illegal aliens and going after their vote to win this thing.

Rossi has run a stupefyingly bad campaign. By failing to announce back in February, he cost himself millions in fund raising and lost all political initiative... which he has never regained. By dissing the tea party types, he's cost himself some percentage of the vote which is going to sit this out. By allowing Murray to beat him like a pinata for months without effective response, his vote advantage in places like Clark County are dramatically reduced, so the 130,000 or so vote advantage the state cow is going to have in King County will likely not be overcome outside the Puget Sound area.

Calling the Rossi campaign "lackluster" does the word a disservice. Although the illegal alien issue caused me to vote for him... otherwise, Goodspaceguy was going to get my write-in...


In the WA03, Heck has failed to move right which was his only limited hope. He represents a continuation of the Obamaton agenda and the continuing leadership of the Belle of Botox. Leftists in this cycle in this swing district are likely not going to cut it, Heck's superior experience and resume' notwithstanding.

That leaves us with Ridgefield Barbie. Barbie is absolutely unqualified to be a Member of Congress. With precisely zero private sector or executive experience, this self-admitted life long politician can only point to a string of short term internships, lies about her job working as a minor functionary for McMorris, lies about her Bush fundraising and the additional fact that, should she be elected, her puppet master McMorris will have gained an additional vote for for her district while this district loses any representation in Congress. As far as that goes, her abysmal, accomplish-nothing tenure in the state House is a road map of where she'll be going during her short time in the House.

Fortunately, we don't need Barbie to take the House majority. I, personally, wrote in Chris Boyd for this position.

Barbie is a clueless moron who's had it all handed to her on a silver platter while doing absolutely nothing to earn it. But at this point, she's likely to become a one-term congress member. Sigh.


In the 18th District, Dennis Kampe is a fringe-left union thug. Oddly, after getting spanked in the primary with only 31% of the vote, Kampe felt compelled to take on Jon Russell as an advisor... one of the slimiest politicians I have ever seen. It's done nothing for him, and his pro-union, pro-debt, pro income tax positions are swell in the Soviet Socialist Republic of Vancouver, but not so much in the rural district of the 18th. Kampe's only claim to fame is that he knows how, as his supporters won't let us forget, to run a vocational school.

Big whoop.

Rivers will win this going away, and Kampe will likely be forced to retire since his late scuminess on the campaign trail hasn't earned him any friends in Olympia... and funding will be geometrically worse in an ultra-competitive environment.


The 17th has two Republicans who showed surprising strength in the primary; Brian Peck who was plus 6 over incumbent Tim Probst and Paul Harris, who was plus 12 over the democrats.

The rag has done all they can to trash these two. Fortunately for us, the impact of that kitty litter liner is next to non-existent.

Peck has a great deal of private sector experience with an award winning gas station. Probst can't match that, and his re-election would mean an additional vote for the horrific leftist leadership who jacked us for $800 million in increased taxes. Probst has spent or will spend almost twice as much as Peck, but it won't be enough in this GOP year. It will be, perhaps, recount close, but with a poor leftist turnout and a decided GOP enthusiasm advantage, it's going to be


The other race is between an experienced former school board member with a private business background, Paul Harris, versus a fringe left union hack/Obama delegate, Monica Stonier.

Out of self-preservation, Stonier has been forced to try and moderate her stances, but she is pro bridge replacement, pro toll, pro loot rail, pro income tax and pro tax increase... all in an effort to APPEAR to be something she's not. She's failed.

The rag has, with it's usual hypocrisy, done all they could to politicaly assassinate Republicans at all levels and support democrat candidates like Stonier and Probst, endorsing both of them; but neither will win and Stonier will get flattened.


The Soviet of Southwest Washington, Vancouver proper is as deep and dark a blue as any area in the US. Democrat domination has kept business out, and caused Vancouver to become an economic black hole of social service dependence and a massive drain on our local economy.

The bizarro nut jobs at the Democratian endorsed one Republican against an incumbent and then endorsed one incumbent, even though his voting record was a mirror of that they found so unacceptable in the incumbent they rejected. No one's ever claimed the Democratian was smart.

In one seat, you've got Riley vs. the incumbent, Moeller. Moeller has been there a long time, but is best known for his moronic candy tax, which will soon become history via initiative.

Riley is the first serious candidate with the background and the cash to make an impact. His opponent on the other hand, is best known for his militantly gay stance, his militantly and almost universal tax and spend proclivities, and his militantly monumental arrogance.

But this is the Soviet. It will be razor thin... but it will be


In the other race, the incumbent is Jim Jacks. Jacks appears to be a moderate, but with his voting record closely matching that of Moeller, there's really no discernible difference between the two. His incumbency advantage, like that of Moeller, has brought both of them stupid amounts of money. Cismar hasn't been able to compete at that level... so it's likely not going to be as close, and it's


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