Friday, September 10, 2010

Walker at the Reflector blows it: no, tolls for an unneeded, unwanted and unapproved loot rail bridge replacement are NOT "fair."

I get that Steve Walker has just arrived in this neck of the woods. But clearly, he either does not understand or is choosing to ignore two very important elements to his support for the humongous monstrosity that the people of this county neither want nor need:

The first is this: No one has asked us.

That's right. This garbage is such a great idea that slimeballs like Steve "Easy Money" Stuart are ramming it down our throats.

The second is this: He says nothing about the horrific damage blowing a $100,000,000 per year or more hole in our disposable income will cause to the local economy or the horrific damage to the finances of 65,000 commuters who are going to be forced to pay for something we do not need or want.

The most puzzling element of his editorial to me is that Walker seems to completely miss the best, most equitable and fairest solution of all:

Don't build it.

The reasons to avoid building this steaming heap far outweigh the benefits to the select few who want it, but like Walker, won't have to pay for it. And how easy, Mr. Walker, it is for you to task us with paying $1300 or more per year for something you want that those paying for it haven't ever even been asked about.

We should not pay for this in "phases." We should not pay for it at all.

This is a COLOSSAL waste of money which will NOT have the desired results and will do absolutely nothing to address congestion or freight mobility issues.

My advise for Walker: before you open your mouth about something, please consider ALL of the options, including those which, unlike the massive manure heap on the drawing board now, might make sense and avoid crushing those who can least afford it with a horrific tax they can't handle that will take food out of our kid's mouths and clothes off their backs.

1 comment:

Lew said...

Did he somehow figure out a way to justify tolling an already paid for bridge on I-205?

I keep asking from supporters of loot rail and not hearing any answers, but why do we wish to send even more of our money to Portland? Doesn't Oregon get too much of our money already?