Friday, September 24, 2010

Memo to Tim "The Liar" Leavitt:"fairness" means treating EVERYONE the same.

As we all know by now, Tim Leavitt has earned the nick name "The Liar" because his entire campaign for mayor was one long lie about his position on tolls... a position he abandoned as soon as he THOUGHT he could.

Taking it a step further, he has been an abysmal mayor, completely bereft of leadership skills and people skills, who showed himself incapable of exhibiting leadership during Jeanne "Gavel" Harris's high speed come-apart. Last time I saw such a deer in the headlights look on anyone's face was, well, an actual deer I caught in my headlights.

Now, I understand that in reality, nothing is going to happen to Harris of any import as a result of her despicable conduct. Even though Harris is unfit for elective office, she's on the correct side of the massive embarrassment of extortion known as the loot rail?bridge replacement project.

Any politico that supports that organized criminal rip off could knock over a 7/11 and get a parking ticket as long as they're on board with the downtown mafia. Harris will get off scott-free when she should be forced off the council for her abusive conduct and her faux apology.

Now, part of the cover being provided for Harris and the rest of these pro-bridge/loot rail idiots is the city attorney limiting the ability of people to speak about any subject they want (Hello.... didn't they teach the First Amendment in law school?) by publishing obviously unconstitutional "policies" (Kind of like the Nazis passed laws to make their actions "legal") in an effort to shut up opponents of loot rail and the bridge replacement and tolls... issues that Vancouver CAN impact.... even thought they, like Leavitt, flat out lie that they can't.

So, what's the memo?

You babble that policy must be followed. It doesn't HAVE to be followed, after all, as any leader knows, policy provides GUIDANCE, not hard and fast LAW. But where you're stepping in it again, Liar, is that you don't apply the policy equally.

Lew Waters lays it all out on his effort at the link.

As a mayor, Tim "The Liar" has been a disaster. And there is zero excuse for allowing ANYONE to ignore policy unless you allow EVERYONE to ignore it.

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