Thursday, September 23, 2010

Did the House screw up with the "Pledge to America?"

It is a long proven axiom that when your political opponent is bound and determined to commit political suicide, it is your duty to stand aside and let them.

The left generally and the House particularly is on the ropes. They are getting beaten like rented mules and the fascinating thing is that they're beating themselves....

With a chain.

So why do this?

It's kind of like having 10,000 nuclear missiles when you could destroy the entire planet with 1000.


What this provides the left with is an opportunity... a rallying cry.. an ability to distort and lie and exaggerate while waving this document around.

The question Boehner has to ask himself before he does this is: will this document provide us with ANY additional seats?

What do we get out of this that we already don't have? Does it do more for us? Or to us?

Of course, with McMorris in leadership, maybe this sort of thing is not surprising.

This was, I believe, a mistake. It's unnecessary grandstanding. And it's going nowhere.

From the GOP side, I would be surprised if we're even hearing about it in a week or 10 days.

The left, however, will bang this without letup as a tool to whip up their base... because leftists are so gullible (or else they wouldn't BE leftists) and so easily manipulated (Or else we never would have heard of Obama) and their keepers know this.

So, with under 6 weeks to go in the election... why do this? Is the cost worth the benefit?

I don't think so. But time will tell.

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