Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Senator Slime back tracks: "It was all off the record."

Yesterday, I called Pridemore out for his bogus set up of a report where "he" indicated "he" had a poll showing him ahead of Heck in the 3rd District Congressional race.

I knew the "poll" was worthless because it failed to take into account our top-two system. Right now, no poll would have him closer than 4th behind Castillo, Heck (the likely top two) and Ridgefield Barbie.

Well, he came a little cleaner today when he told the Columbian that it was all "off the record."

The Columbian reports that Pridemore was "clearly peeved." I would guess so, since he's lying through his teeth.

Caught with his political crank hanging out, Pridemore blabbered: "The poll is not very scientific," Pridemore said. "In my opinion, it's not newsworthy. It's purely thumbnail: Where do we need to focus? At some point we'll do a real poll."

Here's a clue, Craig: Taking a poll of your immediate family and telling the world you were "ahead through out the district," which is such a laughingly obvious lie, is not something you should tell to a reporter.

Pridemore, best known for condemning a state budget moments before he voted for it and gerrymandering the loot rail taxing district to increase it's poor chances of passage in Clark County; was supportive of the ACORN in Chief's rip offs of socialized medicine and TARP funds, has had difficulty gaining traction or raising money due to his fringe-left positions.

For the rest of Pridemore's excuse-fest, read here:

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