Monday, May 03, 2010

The rare ask: Please pray for Luke Jensen, my 9 year old cousin who doesn't have much time left (Update 13) Fundraiser from his Facebook.


Upcoming event

Ty Christian May 3 at 12:28pm Reply
Here is another upcoming event to help the Jensen family.

Hi Ty - my name is Cheryl Jones and I am a friend of Vikki Jensen's. I also oversee the Relay For Life of North Clark County and work for the American Cancer Society. The Jensen family has become a big part of our Relay community over the last 3 years and our Relay teams are wanting to do something to help them during this difficult time.

We are planning a bingo fundraiser on Saturday May 15th from 3-7pm in the Daybreak School commons (corner of 20th Ave and 239th St in Battle Ground). Bingo cards will be $5 for a pack of 10 and people can buy more all night long! We are working on providing a dinner as well - maybe something like hot dogs, chips and a drink for $3. Also if anyone wants to bring baked goods to sell that would take care of dessert!

What I need your help with is getting the word out. Can you send this info to everyone on the Support For the Jensen Family page? We want this this to be the biggest fundraiser yet!

Obviously all the money raised will go to the Jensen family, so bingo winners won't win cash - but prizes, and we also need help collecting those prizes. So if anyone would like to donate prizes for this fundraiser we would be very grateful!! We need prizes of all caliber - from silly to super! We also need gifts that kids can win as well. And if there is anyone who lives outside of the Portland/Vancouver area who wants to donate prizes, or cash so we can purchase prizes that would be fantastic! They can contact me at my office: or 503-795-3971

And thank you all in advance... I feel truly blessed to be a part of such a wonderful community!


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