Friday, January 08, 2010

The worthlessness of Obama "Taking full responsibility."

On the surface, "taking full responsibility," particularly when you ARE fully responsible for screwing up our security while showing comical incompetence, in this case, with your response to the Christmas Day Crotch Bomber attempt to kill hundreds of Americans does have an aura of nobility about it.

Unless, of course, it was just another in the ever-lengthening series of screw ups that you're responsible for (see domestic policy, economy, Keystone Cops foreign policy and screwing up the war in SW Asia for additional examples) where, it seems, no one is responsible for your lies, exaggerations, deliberate negativity designed to talk our economy down and the like.

In short, "taking responsibility" without the requisite action necessary as a result is as worthless a gesture as many of the vapid, Nero-ian gestures (Not to mention the uncommented-on-by-the-leftist-media weekly White House parties and golf games) you've made since we were unfortunate enough to wake up and discover that you had become our president.

In short, Mr. President, the only way you can actually "take full responsibility" is to admit you're in far over your head, that you don't have a clue, and that, as a result, you're now going to do the one thing this situation demands...

...and resign.

Taking "full responsibility" without providing "full accountability" is as worthless a ploy as telling us that if we'd only pass the porkulous, why, there'd be an 8% ceiling on unemployment... or telling us that CSPAN cameras would be in on the negotiations for health care reform.

Part of the reason we're treated with such contempt by Iran (and whatever happened to that January 1 ultimatum, eh?) and several other countries is that they neither respect or fear you because like me, they think you're a gutless clown.

Mr. President, if you're actually GOING to "take full responsibility," then resign.

Otherwise, this just becomes another lie. You know, like the whopper you told where you weren't going to sign any more bills with pork in them? Or the "it's all Bush's fault" scam you keep running? Like those?

Barack Obama. He's SUCH a card.

And if you don't agree with me, you're probably a Jim Mora fan.

1 comment:

Lew said...

If he really were taking full responsibility, we'd see major changes in Washington D.C. and those who stripped away our security measures would be looking for work.

For not pointing fingers of blame at anybody, I still hear a lot of blame placed on Bush, who although far from the best we ever had, did manage to keep us from another attack on our soil.

With Obama, he just stands in front of the teleprompter reciting whatever his handlers loaded into it for him to say.

As I keep saying, he is but the front man.