Saturday, January 02, 2010

In my view Jan 2: More of the usual Columbian idiocy

As the largest left wing publication in SW Washington, I get the blind, Kool Aid drinking obedience to the empty suit's ideas; the lack of critical thinking about his socialist tenets and the dogged determination to portray this disaster as successful... no matter what.

In yet another "Duh!" moment, the erstwhile rag produces this vacuous effort:

Jeers: To America’s broken health care system. Fresh evidence emerged this week when state Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler released new figures showing 43,000 Clark County residents lacked basic health insurance in 2008, and the number will rise to 63,000 next year. That would be 14 percent of all county residents. Statewide, the number of uninsured soon will reach 1 million.

The problem affects more than those unlucky uninsured. Those of us with health plans — and those of us who pay taxes — get stuck paying the bills of those who cannot. At Southwest Washington Medical Center, for example, the cost of charity care went from $3.7 million in 2003 to $26.3 million in 2008. Uncollected medical debt accounted for another $29.7 million in 2008.

It’s not likely that congressional Democrats will deliver the perfect health care reform bill, and many doubt they’ll deliver a bill that is even good enough. What’s undeniable is that our health care system needs to be reformed quickly.

The problem with the words of this "jeer" is this: while a respectable amount of verbiage, they say.... nothing.

First of all, they provide no link to this "report" where, oddly, an insurance commissioner provides a series of numbers that could be as random a stream of consciousness as the nonsensical 8% unemployment ceiling the White House moron assured us of if the porkulous only would pass.

And how did that work for us?

Second, precisely who ARE these "43,000?" Do they include those who don't' WANT "health care insurance?" Does that number include those who are illegally here, and therefore are not ENTITLED to "health care insurance?"

Thirdly, (and here's a bulletin to you from the Columbian who crawl all over my humble effort here on a daily basis) this moronic observation:
The problem affects more than those unlucky uninsured. Those of us with health plans — and those of us who pay taxes — get stuck paying the bills of those who cannot.
I'm sorry... but who is it that is going to get "stuck" paying the bill under the democrat's socialist plans.... HHHhmmmmmm?


And finally, whoever wrote this garbage offers nothing in the way of addressing this issue. Nothing good... nothing bad.... just, well, nothing.

Anyone can stand on the sidelines and complain. Where this kind of thing matters is where the rubber meets the road: HOW do we address these issues.

For example, why not support the idea that we can buy health care across state lines, like we do car insurance? What about getting out in front of a movement to implement the so-called cafe plans, where the consumer can tailor health care insurance to their specific needs or wants? Cut costs by getting rid of the 50 or so mandates this state shackles it's consumers with and allow US to decide what WE need.

What we have here is yet another in the unending series of "figures don't lie, but liars figure" articles our cancer on the community provides in support of their agenda.

Today's treat was, like so many leftists, long on verbiage and short on substance. And we've grown to expect no less from our local waste of trees.

1 comment:

Lew said...

As far from perfect as the GOP is, they did provide some viable ideas that I feel could help bring down the cost of medical care.

That I recall, they were no invited to any back room deals fabricating this fiasco they label healthcare reform.

It seems a significant portion of our society feels they are entitled to whatever they wish, just so long as someone else pays for it.

How much longer before they want free homes, free cars and car insurance, clothes and what have you?

While I am not all that religious of a person, I do recall some wise words from the Bible:

2 Thessalonians 3:10 For even when we were with you, we used to give you this order: if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either.