Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Zarelli closer to finally announcing. What's a Herrera to do?

Looks like Zarelli is getting closer to announcing.

I look forward to it. He's got precisely zero chance of winning, of course, but hanging him and Herrera over a clothesline like two cats tied together by their tails could be politically entertaining.

As a constituent in the 18th, I'm betting that those district updates and town halls will be JUST the tiniest bit testy... and, therefore, finally interesting. I also know that without either of these two "representing" us in the legislature, we'd be much better off at the state level.

I just don't want either of them to be my congressional rep, either.

You have to wonder what happened. The 18th was just one big coffee-klatch. No doubt Orcutt actually sees himself as Senator for life in the unlikely event that Zarelli wins the lottery, (I mean, wins this election... but based on his chances, I'd be investing in lottery tickets if I were him... he'd have a better chance of winning if he did) and, they certainly were busy little bees in the Commodus bent (Nee the "Gladiator" movie.) concerning who'd run for the now open seat.

Then, all of a sudden, Herrera got this weird idea that the RNCC had actually been recruiting her (a lie... they hadn't) for 6 months, so, she just expected Zarelli to bow down to that.

See, Zarelli actually thought he'd been calling the shots for Herrera all this time, when it was McMorris Rogers from the beginning until now and into the future. Zarelli had been getting played by an expert player... a user of people.

So, Zarelli, "unemployment Joe," who has more qualifications to run for Congress in his suit coat then Herrera has in the entirety of that orthodontic body of hers, began to resent that.

Herrera, who is quite the political clown, couldn't show enough discipline to run a girl scout troop, let alone run for Congress; announced before Baird's political corpse was cold. After all, this is why she parachuted in here for in the first place. It never had anything to do with actually representing us... she had to get SOMETHING on her resume' besides resident intern and political coffee pourer.

So, she announced... then unannounced after her masters, McMorris Rogers and Vander Stoep freaked out that she'd screwed up huge. Of course, Herrera has the political instincts and knowledge of my goldfish, so what else would those two think she would do?

So now, those awkward moments will become a little more awkward.

Of course, we can't discount the idea that Zarelli, who, even after he loses, will still be a State Senator; is just going to come on board to run as Herrera's wing man.

Who better? Zarelli has to know he's got no chance. That lack of integrity thing would kill him... again... district wide. It's not like it's disappeared. And Herrera's moronic efforts to get people to "co-endorse..." I guess she still hasn't figured out this isn't a race for middle school class president.

So, in that regard, they're well matched. Sort of a tweedle dumb... and tweedle dumber. But having a state senator in search and destroy mode could be useful to Herrera... or whoever else Zarelli might lend that particular talent to.

2010. Political soap opera at its finest.

1 comment:

Lew said...

Hopefully, the infighting and bickering between Herrera and Zarelli will cancel each other out, and we can get a good man in instead of another party favorite and insider.

I'm still sticking with Castillo.

On another note, Herrera linked to an online poll on her facebook page and requested people to go vote for her, to build her support base.

Uh, didn't she pay any attention to the Ron Paulies last year in their efforts at the same?