Sunday, December 20, 2009

It beyond time to defund the State Auditor's Office and get rid of it.

For years now, I've advocated getting rid of the position of State Auditor. Sadly, I must continue to support that position.

It's not that I believe Brian Sonntag doesn't do a spectacular job.... because he most certainly does. In fact, in my life, there are only two absolute certainties: first, at some point I will, in fact, die. Second, as long as he is in elective office, I will vote for Brian Sonntag.

Sonntag is, in my opinion, the finest, most fearless public servant that's ever served in Washington State. Fearless, aggressive in his pursuit of the overwhelming numbers of ways, locations, offices and people wasting out money, Sonntag and his staff should be a force to be feared by the hundreds of state agencies and offices draining our economic life's blood as if we somehow owe it to them.

So, why defund them and get rid of the office?

Because no one in government cares.

We have this man and his staff looking into the expenditure of our money. It's what he's been doing for years. For years, he and his people come up with lists of agencies and individuals and pots of dollars illegally spent, fraudulently spent, just plain lost.... and for all of those years, it's made little to no difference.

If those in government allowing these rip offs are going to continue to ignore Sonntag as they have for the past 17 years... then what's the point?

This blog has more impact than Sonntag, and it's free. Sonntag costs millions.

If the damned government would implement his suggestions/observations and findings, he would be worth every penny. But year after year, they ignore him. Democrats (of which he is one) who now are in complete control of government ignore him, and when the GOP called the shots up there, they ignored him as well.

We're facing yet another multi-billion deficit. Sonntag has once again shown the way to eliminating a great deal, if not all, of the looming deficit.

Just like they ignored him in 2008 when he came up with many other findings that would have helped with the deficit, the legislature will ignore him again.

He has GOT to be the most frustrated state employee in government.... well, save for WSU's head football coach.

But he's had his run... and it's time for him and his office to go.

Or is it, instead, time for those morons in government who insist on ignoring him to go, instead?

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