Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The impact of the Top Two Primary on the 3rd Congressional race.

Party stalwarts here in Washington State are sniveling like cut cats over the Top Two system when they have no one to blame but themselves.

Had the clowns running the party stayed out of this, we'd be looking at a much more sane system here in the WA 03, where it seems that everyone including my Spaniel has announced for Congress.

As of this second, it appears that there are as many as 9 announced candidates. In da good old days, each candidate would, essentially, be hoping for, if not a majority in the primary, at least a substantial plurality.

Now, we see self-delusional types announcing because they know that all they have to do is get, say, 15 % of the vote or so, and they're likely in to the general.

One of the concerns that either side must be cognizant of is splitting their vote. It's in the party's best interests to cull the field if they want a party member in the general. For example, if their were only one democrat running, there is no doubt that democrat would make it into the general.

I don't see that making much of a difference in the outcome if another GOP'er makes it into the general, because I don't see a democrat winning this because, well, democrats have been an unmitigated disaster.

But splitting the leftist vote 6 different ways cannot be what these folks want.

In all likelihood, the party with the fewest people running will have the best chance of winning it all. If the GOP winnows the field down to 2, then those two will most likely be the choices in the general, shutting out democrats altogether.

And wouldn't that be swell?

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