Thursday, November 05, 2009

Major Hasan: All they've got is whining about a non-existent "harassment."

So, we have a United States Army field-grade officer on orders for Iraq or AStan. He decides he doesn't want to go because Muslims must "stand up to oppression."

Well, this scumbag low-life not only violated his oath as an Army officer, but he certainly violated the Hippocratic Oath of a physician.

He can't claim, as much as the fringer's initially charged, that it was the stress of all his deployments; this particular scumbag was never deployed. That only leaves one "out," already mentioned by a cousin: harassment due to his race.

Claims of harassment

Hasan, who dealt with troops returning from combat and faced his own imminent deployment, had been harassed by his military colleagues because of his "Middle Eastern ethnicity," said his cousin Nader Hasan.

"I don't think he's ever been disenchanted with the military," Nader Hasan told Fox News.

"It was the harassment.

"He hired a military attorney to try to have the issue resolved, pay back the government, to get out of the military. He was at the end of trying everything."

Nader Hasan says his cousin did not want to be deployed to Iraq.

"He is a good American and we are shocked," he said.

And to that I call bullshit.

"Good" Americans of any stripe do not slaughter unarmed innocents.

"Harassment," while not impossible in the Army, is extremely unlikely in this era of political correctness with it's emphasis on Race Relations and Equal Opportunity.

But "harassment" is all this scumbag has. He's not about to claim it was a result of his increasingly militant feelings against his own country.

The questions I have include these: the Army's chain of command has been aware of the scumbag's anti-American positions for months, both uttered and written. Yet, instead of kicking his dumb ass out and forcing him to repay the hundreds of thousands of dollars we, as grateful taxpayers, paid to make this clown into a doctor.... they PROMOTE him?

Multiple asses need to fry on this.

I really don't give a rat's hindquarter if his "harassment" was so bad it made his hair fall out.

It provides no cover, no justification, no mitigation.

This traitor to his country should, in the American tradition, be given a fair court martial. And if he did it, they should execute him immediately... or as immediately as you CAN execute someone.


I got your harassment hanging.

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