Cao is the guy who replaced democrat former Congressman William "Cold Hard Cash" Jefferson, who, after 18 years in Congress, is best known for $90,000 in his freezer.
Typical democrat. Is it any wonder our banking system was in such tough shape? The corrupt democrats hurt the system every time they don't deposit their money into the banks!
That said, Cao was the sacrificial lamb the GOP tossed up to get flattened by Jefferson, since typically, democrats will vote for a pedophile if they've got a "D" after their name (See Rep. Gary Studds.)
At least one blogger here locally observes that Cao, the poorest member of Congress, is more "progressive" than our own Cowardman, Brian Baird, since Baird was a "no" vote on the Obama Health Care Corruption Plan. No one should confuse "progressive" with "pragmatic."
Even thought Baird voted against his caucus, there's no way a leftist would vote for anyone else, even after Baird pooped on the leftist Iraq position.
Cao's district is overwhelmingly leftist. He voted that way.
Baird is a coward. He lacks the ability to vote his beliefs when that might risk his political future. Having attended his dog and pony show, post made-up allegations of death threats, there can be ZERO doubt that he would have voted "yes" for this crap pile if he could have found a way to sell it here.
He WANTED to vote yes so badly he could taste it.
Add that to his self-imposed violations of his so-called 72 hour rule for the Porkulus and the cap and swindle bill... or even this bill which ALSO violated the 72 hour rule.... and he would have been politically deader next election then he already is... and even now he's without a pulse.
In this instance, "progressive" didn't trump "pragmatic."
"Progressive," of course, is the term used to replace the political version of herpes known as "liberal."
That said, Baird voted "no" as part of his ongoing rehab program. It's his effort to stave off his impending defeat. Had his vote been the deciding vote, as it very nearly was, one can only begin to speculate what the outcome would have been then.
It won't work.
Cao, on the other hand, is voting a district arguably 70% or more democrat. Because he's so poor, we can expect him to be "appointed" to something in return for his vote, a not altogether uncommon ploy to buy votes, frequently practiced by the party in power. Even if Cao were to switch parties, a particularly viable option given the racism and hatred he's experienced since his vote on the Obama Health Care Corruption plan, I couldn't blame him.
To that end, I can't fault him for being a yes on this vote.
Cao is not going to be re-elected. Had Jefferson not been indicted for his obvious corruption, there is no way that Cao would have been elected in the first place. Cao is a product of the "right place, right time" school; a guy who had no more expectation of winning the election then he did winning the lottery.
He wasn't put up to be a serious candidate: he was put up because no one else wanted the job of Jefferson road kill... he didn't even have a primary. But face it, the democrats could run a dead man and he'd win if he's black and has a "D" after his name.
That said, as much as it sucks that this guy voted FOR this bill, the 2 things I keep in mind is that this vote was not decisive; that is, it didn't make the difference between winning and losing and second, Cao has nothing to lose in that he was, no doubt, voting the majority view of his district and that he, Cao, isn't going to be back anyway.
To the GOP'ers engaging in racist comments and remarks in their hatred of Cao, I say I'm not surprised.
That it feeds the perception of so many that the GOP is a white bread, racist outfit is part and parcel of the GOP's frequent efforts to shoot itself in both feet.
The Health Care Scam, passed by those who exempted themselves from its tenets, and championed by the empty-suited, hypocritical Anti-American racist bigot in the White House will likely not see the light of day in the Senate.
As for the leftists in the House, I have never seen such a large group of political lemmings so bound and determined to run off the cliff and drown.
The blood bath of 1994 may be but a mere fender-bender when compared to the "8-killed-in-the-intersection" car wreck of 2010.
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