Thursday, October 01, 2009

More of the rank hypocrisy of the left... where's the local fishwrapper's coverage of Alan Grayson?

Well, the first thing the reader might be asking at this point is: "Just who the heck is Alan Grayson?"

Well, Grayson is a far-left, back-bencher bomb thrower, unfortunately staining the House of Representatives with his presence.

The leftist, democrat media, including our very own local democrat newsletter (AKA The Columbian) threw a fit over Rep. Joe "You're Lying" Wilson's (R-SC) allegedly intemperate remark during Obama's most recent fiction reading to a Joint Session of Congress (How one is culled out of the herd for rightfully calling the president a lair, particularly after what leftist scum called President Bush over the past 8 years is a mystery to me.) not too long ago.

So, over the past 3 days or so ago, this simple democrat idiot, representing people who apparently don't know any better in Florida, acted like a leftist scumbag hypocrite on the floor of the House by engaging in the following crap:

Now, when he was called on to apologize, what did this waste of skin do?


The cricket chirps from the rankly hypocritical leftist leadership of Congress are deafening.

This scumbag's political career needs to be carried out of Washington, D.C., feet first. But will the fringe left nut jobs respond to this nutburger?

Nope. It's only a problem for this hypocrites when the right gets stupid.

H/T to This Ain't Hell But You Can See It From Here.

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