Saturday, September 12, 2009

Another rat leaving the sinking ship? Jeff Mize leaving the Columbian?

I've heard from different sources that Jeff Mize is leaving the Columbian to become of all things, PIO or PAO of Clark County Public Works.

That a county public works shop NEEDS a PIO, particularly in the midst of such a horrific economic situation is an equally horrific waste of taxpayer dollars at the worst possible time for the worst possible reasons. But that's a subject for another post. Today's question is this: why would Mize, after all these years of yellow journalism, suddenly quit the Columbian to go into the government sector?

What does such a move indicate? Is the local rag in worse financial straights then they appear? Are we in for another round of layoffs?

Presuming this move takes place, Mize won't be missed, like arch-leftist editorial page editor Mike Heywood wasn't missed after his unceremonious departure. A lack of objectivity combined with leaving out crucial quotes and other pieces of information is not a great resume' for a so-called "journalist."

Now, is this move happening?

Time will tell. Updates as they occur.


Anonymous said...

Jeff Mize would never take a job with Clark County. He knows how corrupt the county is and it would be more then he could deal with.

Anonymous said...

Hey punk, Mize is actually a damn good writer. Don't call him a rat. Career moves don't mean abandoning your principles. It can be as simple as needing a change in scenery, a new challenge, a new job. Don't use your narrow, bigoted views on others. And yes, I called you a punk.