Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Brian Baird: Coward (IX) Ever the hypocrite, he's a a FINE casket salesman.

The Baird Dog and Pony Show tour hit the Amphitheater at Clark County last night, and for the first (and last) time, I attended a Baird town hall meeting.

We got off on the wrong foot by having Republican County Commissioner Marc Boldt come out and treat us like a bunch of children by, in effect, telling us to behave.

Anyone coming into the Amphitheater with a mind to disrupt the proceedings would not have been swayed by Boldt's efforts; I have to wonder why Marc was fooled into fronting for Baird. He may as well have endorsed him on the spot.

The two guards of some sort (They looked like accountants) one on either side of the stage, were no doubt window dressing in light of the alleged "death threats" that kept him from having the balls to face us.

That said, Baird's choice of a quasi-socialist state bureaucrat, Hal Dengerink (WSU-Vancouver boss) who led off by singing the praises of, among other things, the Cuban medical system as some sort of reason to except/demand or otherwise want this train-wreck of socialized medicine.

That was properly greeted with the contempt and derision it deserved, and we took off from there.

Baird, briefly, discussed his despicable conduct. He referred to his comments the same way he did in the paper, expecting those of us deeply offended by his remarks to just shine it on and move on.

Ain't gonna happen.

I'm not going to go through a line-by-line recitation of what happened. Those who want that can go over to our local cable network, CVTV and watch this thing themselves.

What I am going to do is provide a few observations and conclusions.

First, this meeting changed nothing. This issue is so polarized; the trust, always fragile when it comes to government; has long since been shattered by an out-of-touch Administration and a Congress that makes President Bush wildly popular in comparison.

The betrayal of the "Hope and Change" Administration has taken root at many levels; their obsession with over-promising while they incompetently under-deliver, long warned of by this blogger, means that the "we're-from-the-government-and-we're-here-to-help" shtick just ain't gonna cut it.

This town hall had, maybe, 2500 or so in attendance. There were, in fact, few of the purple-shirted Storm Troopers from the SEIU in attendance... but unfortunately for the brand, they sounded like leftist morons.

I will say, categorically, that there was no effort made to intimidate anyone over anything that I observed for the 3 hours or so I was there.

But nor was there any effort by Baird to represent he apparent views of the apparent majority present.

One young woman had clearly given this situation a great deal of thought. When her random number was called, among other things, she said something both memorable... and quite true:
"It's like members of Congress represent the President to us, instead of representing us to the President."
It was an epiphany.

Startling political clarity in a sea of chaos.

Baird clearly wants this. He wants it so badly, he can taste it.

Ever the partisan, Baird attempted to shield his political pandering and "yes" man image, re-enforced by his bizarre, hypocritical vote on the Porkulus Bill, by constantly referring to his "no" vote on the prescription drug bill last year... because there had been no time to read it.

The steaming pile of hypocrisy in this shtick is that it's fine that he can (as he did more than once) go back to his monumental "no" vote on a Bush program... but remain silent on his monumentally moronic "yes" vote on an Obama program... a program that, you guessed it, he didn't even read before he was a "yes" vote.

Being a lying hypocrite (and his failure to mention his "yes" vote on a bill he hadn't read... while constantly referring to the bill where he was a "no" allegedly because he hadn't been given time to review it makes him that) was a question that had been overlooked by those "lucky" enough to have their numbers called.

This impacts the trust issue mightily. Constantly referring to a "no" vote due to a lack of time to review the bill, while with equal consistancy, choosing to ignore his "yes" vote on a bill that layered an additional trillion dollars of debt on generations to come.

Baird was also very big on forcing people to have some sort of health insurance. I guess that means that, instead of illegal aliens being just illegal aliens, they would become "illegal illegal aliens," since the millions included in the much discussed "46 million" Obama and his cronies keep bandying about, are, we're told, not going to be eligible for this massive increase in government at the cost of hundreds of billions of dollars... OUR dollars.

In short, Baird has no intention of listening to us. His huge mask drop, wherein he referred to me and people like me as Nazis and Brown Shirts (even though, if their is a Brown Shirt component, it's by Obama allies the SEIU and ACORN nuts.)

Unfortunately, my number was not called. Had it been called, I would have said/asked the following:

Dr. Baird, your remarks, wherein you referred to me and millions like me as "Nazi's" and "Brown Shirts" is among the most despicable words ever uttered by any elected official since that waste of skin, Dick Durbin compared members of the Armed Forces of the United States with Nazis. In fact, those of the leftist bent are very big on comparing opponents to Nazis.

That said, are you going to resign now to save us the trouble of throwing your butt out? Or are we gonna have to go through a long, agonizing program where you seem to think your hate crime apology is good enough and we should just move on?


So... you're very big on "competition." In fact, the empty-suited idiot running this country has stupidly compared FedEx and UPS with the Postal Service.

Why stop there? If we need competition for health insurance between the government and the private sector, how come we don't need it for, say, gas stations? Or grocery stores? Or house painters?

And this nonsense about "pre-existing conditions." You would force private companies to insure pre-existing conditions. Are you going to force car dealers to accept cars with no engines?

By forcing private insurance companies to accept those with pre-existing conditions, you're forcing the rest of us to subsidize that requirement... driving rates up even higher.

Does that make sense to you?

Dr. Baird, in fact, grew a pair and actually faced his constituency. Unfortunately, he faced us with vintage Baird, big on veneer, light on substance.

Baird is the very example of what that young lady was referring to. He stopped representing US (If he ever did) and has started representing Obama and Pelosi to us.

And any idiot can do that.

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