Friday, April 17, 2009

When it sucks to be Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-CT)

While pork is the "Other White Meat," Sen. Dodd is Connecticut's "other" Senator, the opposite of Sen. Joe Lieberman.

Now, Dodd has had some problems. And his poll numbers are neck and neck with Congress's approval ratings and numbers that our President is working hard to attain. So, what has all of that meant?

It means that while he's facing a re-election bid in the "bloodbath-to-happen-like-1994" election of 2010, he's raised a not-amazing figure of around $600,000 for that effort (Our own abysmal failure of a senator, Patty Murray, has banked $5 million, and she doesn't even have an announced opponent).

Now, it's not the relatively paltry figure of $600,000 that's at issue with this post.

The issue?

Of that figure, Dodd has raised, from his own state....


ALL of the rest of it is from 400 out-of-state donors.

ALL of it.

Now, the way I see it, Dodd, most likely, will be replaced by a democrat who can win. Because as time goes on, it will become increasingly clear that he will get his butt kicked by whatever Republican is running against him.

The location of his donors alone is a political issue. How hard would it be to make a "special interest" tag stick?

Dodd's arrogance and corruption has turned him into GOP road kill. And he will never make it to the general.

Report: Dodd Receives Early Donations From Just 5 State Residents

Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd raised $4,250 from five state residents in the first three months of 2009. Close to 400 donors outside Connecticut made up the rest of the donations, according to the Connecticut Post.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd pulled in early campaign donations from just five residents in his state, looking outside Connecticut for the bulk of the $600,000 he raised from individuals in the first three months of the year.

The fundraising, reported in the Connecticut Post, foretells a tough fight ahead for the power-wielding Democrat in the 2010 race.

Recent poll numbers have shown Dodd's approval ratings at historic lows, and he's facing potential GOP and Democratic challengers.

According to the Connecticut Post, the chairman of the Senate banking committee raised $4,250 from five state residents in the first three months of 2009. Close to 400 donors outside Connecticut made up the rest of the donations.

Dodd pulled in another $437,000 from political action committees and other similar groups, according to filings with the Federal Election Commission.

But the dearth of local contributors is unusual for a long-standing incumbent like Dodd. He recently took heat for including a provision in February's stimulus bill blamed for allowing executives at bailed-out American International Group to net $165 million in bonuses. Dodd, though, said his hand was guided by the Obama administration -- and some AIG employees have agreed to give the money back.




Unknown said...

I just made a 50 dollar donation to Rob Simmons(R) to "retire" sen Dodd
I suggest exile to that nice little "cottage" In Ireland or maybe Iowa, he liked It there during the campaign

SickOfTyranny said...

I'll be making a $250 donation tomorrow to Peter Schiff (R) for his money bomb to secure this seat for someone that will actually fight to shrink the government...

K.J. Hinton said...

I hear ya. MY check is on the way.