Monday, March 23, 2009

So... is a minor part of my faith in my government to be restored? FBI investigates lobbying firm that is generous donor to Dicks, Murray

On November 30 last year, The Seattle Times did an article concerning corruption via campaign contributions with a focus on Congressman For Life Norm Dicks, D-WA-04

$478,000 donated in Rep. Dicks' name

Norm Dicks, D-Bremerton, was named as an honoree in charitable contributions totaling $478,000 in the first six months of 2008. Some say these so-called honorary contributions are one more way for companies and campaign donors to curry favor with members of Congress. Dicks says there's nothing improper about the contributions and that companies don't automatically gain favor with him for donating to charities he supports.
Given the crimes concerning our elections within the past several years, any hope was dimming for even something approaching investigation into this type of blatant corruption.

Well, apparently, a very busy FBI has found time for following up the information provided by the Times and have launched an investigation into Dicks and our own Senior Senator, Patty Murray.

Other articles concerning corruption involving our own esteemed Congressman, Brian Baird, have been detailed in the Times as well.

Will this investigation include Mr. Baird, still giddy over his earmarks as he carried the water of the Downtown Mafia like Gunga Din?

I want these people investigated. AND IF THEY ARE GUILTY, I WANT THEM PROSECUTED.

Americans generally and Washingtonians particularly have increasing doubt in our elective system and security. While our Secretary of State for the past 8 years, Sam Reed, has done nothing to address these concerns here locally, this step could be the first in a long journey to having an election system as close to secure and honest as possible, unlike this joke on democracy we have now.

The Seattle Times

Originally published March 23, 2009 at 12:00 AM | Page modified March 23, 2009 at 7:58 AM
Questions have been raised about whether some PMA-related campaign contributions were actually given by the people listed as donors. For example, thousands of dollars in contributions to Dicks, Washington Sen. Patty Murray and other lawmakers came from a sommelier and a golf-club employee who were identified as PMA officials on some campaign-finance reports.
Seattle Times staff reporter
Database | Search which lawmakers sponsored earmarks for PMA clients
Favor Factory | Database of lawmakers, earmarks, and campaign giving
Congressman Norm Dicks has never been shy about accepting campaign donations from favor seekers.
Now the FBI is investigating one of Dicks' most generous donors — the powerhouse lobbying firm PMA Group.
Questions have been raised about whether some PMA-related campaign contributions were actually given by the people listed as donors. For example, thousands of dollars in contributions to Dicks, Washington Sen. Patty Murray and other lawmakers came from a sommelier and a golf-club employee who were identified as PMA officials on some campaign-finance reports. The investigation has prompted some lawmakers to distance themselves from the PMA-related contributions. Murray said she has donated $3,500 of her questionable contributions to Food Lifeline, a local charity. Other lawmakers have talked about doing something similar.
Dicks is waiting to see if the FBI finds any criminal wrongdoing before making a decision on his contributions. "If any of those contributions are judged improper, it'd be his intention to give them back," said Dicks' spokesperson George Behan.
The FBI raided PMA's office suite in Arlington, Va., last November, part of an investigation into possible improper campaign donations, according to media reports.
The firm's founder Paul Magliochetti, who recently retired, is a former aide of the House subcommittee on defense spending, which decides which earmarks get inserted in the defense bill. Pennsylvania Democrat John Murtha is the current chairman and a long time member.

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