Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Here's quick question to the bridge /loot rail proponents: Who represents the commuters and the opposition?

Sixty thousand people or more commute to Portland every day.

Sixty Thousand.

So... who speaks for them?

Tens of thousands of voters in Clark County oppose this entire waste of money.

Who speaks for them?

I ask you, Mr. Leavitt... Mr. Pollard, Commissioner Stuart (If you're not too busy being David Barnett's buttboy, that is) and all the rest of you... who speaks for them?

No one. Because we don't matter to you. Because, once again, you don't give a damn about US. You just want your massive waste of money to go forward while you deliberately and cruelly inflict MORE financial pain on all of us.

We deserve a seat at the table. And you had damned well better give us one.

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