Sunday, February 01, 2009

"Change we can believe in," (IV) Obama expanding rendition, Kos Kids freak out.

Look... by now, we all already know that our President engages in a nice, steaming pile of hypocrisy. He shoveled it in during his campaign (Odd, isn't it, how fast he forgot about his pledge to keep lobbyists out of his Administration) and the games he's played with troops (Cutting 10% of the Defense budget in the middle of a war - not to mention blowing them off in Landshtul and snubbing the Medal of Honor Recipiants among others at the Inauguration festivities.) and allowing those who've criminally evaded their tax responsibilities to this Nation to become highly placed leaders of our Government... not to mention the implementation of his Generational Indebtedness program.

But the uber-leftist kool aid drinkers rallied around this phantom of government, and went out and sacrificed chickens or whatever it is they do for their political voodoo to get him elected.

Well, as CDR Spock once said, "They will come to find out there is much more to the wanting... then there is to the having." For the politically active left, no truer words have ever been spoken.

The concept of leftist entitlement skyrocket the day after the election. Laws became suggestions; the moonbats flipped out over Prop 8, (See, in the "mind" of a leftist, democracy is only "democratic" when it reflects the democrat agenda) decided that immigration policy was a Doonesbury comic strip and that socialism is, in fact the way to go by redistributing hundreds of billions of dollars of our hard-earned monies to remove the element of self-responsibility from the mortgage equation.

And as a part of that package, the uber-leftists took it as a matter of faith that All Things Darth Bush would magically disappear at around 12:20 pm, January 20th, with the completed inauguration of The One.

Of course, one cannot BE a fringe-leftist without being a tool. And as tools, they were willing to believe ANYTHING The One told them... much like The One wants us to believe that his massive waste of hundreds of billions of dollars will solve our economic issues.

So, now we have a situation that makes Obama look like the hated Reichsprotecktor Bush: the, under Bush, anyway, "outsourcing of torture" the left so condemned, has now become formal Obama Administration Policy.

WASHINGTON - The CIA’s secret prisons are being closed. Harsh interrogation techniques are off-limits. And Guantanamo Bay will eventually go back to being just a naval base on the southeastern corner of Cuba.

But even while dismantling these discredited programs, President Barack Obama left an equally controversial counterterrorism tool intact.

Under executive orders issued by Obama on Jan. 22, the CIA still has authority to carry out what are known as “renditions,” or the secret abductions and transfers of prisoners to countries that cooperate with the United States.

Current and former U.S. intelligence officials said that the rendition program is poised to play an expanded role because it is the main remaining mechanism - aside from Predator missile strikes - for taking suspected terrorists off the street.

The Kos Kids, already having undergone, but having failed to learn from, getting kicked to the curb the day after the 06 elections by the Congress they worked so hard to elect; suddenly get another dose of realpolitik and get kicked to the curb by The One on this primary (to them) issue.

The left are political morons. What else did they think was going to happen? Where do they believe the scum inhabiting Gitmo are heading to be locked up... the suburbs of Washington DC? Of COURSE renditioning will continue. So will a wide variety of OTHER Bush policies the leftist morons so detest.

Every squirm of discomfort; every expression of doubt... all of it is a well-deserved stick in the eye of the left. And Memo to the leftists: There is much, much more to come.

And a fine H/T to LGF!
Baltimore Sun

Rendition might expand in anti-terrorism efforts

Obama retains secret abductions despite checkered history

February 1, 2009

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