Friday, December 05, 2008

Enough is enough: just say "No!" to the auto or any other bailout.

Folks, do you FEEL "bailed out?"

I don't.

The auto industry is no more deserving then any other industry of government bailout funds.

NO business should have the ability to tap into the treasury so they can continue the bizarre, out of touch policies that got them and us into this situation in the first place.

Like our government, the same group of morons that got us into this are somehow expecting us to believe they'll get us out of it.

We've already set aside to waste $850 billion in taxpayer monies with hundreds of billions more to come... again, if administered by ANYONE, they'll be administered by the same tone-deaf idiots that got us into this trouble to begin with.

The first bail out was a terrible idea. McCain was a bufoon for supporting that effort, and our government will reach new heights of moronic achievement if they go along with this effort.

After all, was it just me, or did those dolts fly into DC a few days back in Learjets? And then, just a few days ago, they were begging for $25 billion. Now, a few days later, they demand $34 billion?

When would it end? What do they do when this money runs out, as it inevitably would? Does anyone believe they won't be back, over and over and over again? When would it end?

Never. The fact is that like buying a new car itself with no downpaynment, you're buried in it the moment you drive it off the lot.

And with every billion we waste on an auto company bail out, our ability to let these clowns fail becomes less and less. In short, the more cash we flush down the bail out dumper, the more cash we'll HAVE to flush down the dumper, to avoid the allegation that we wasted billions to begin with.

Will it hurt to let these businesses flounder? Of course it will. But it will hurt much less than the alternative, which is the wasting of hundreds of billions of dollars with a result of having absolutely nothing to show for it, which is what we have now.

That the primary basis for doing this is to pay back the auto worker's unions cannot be denied. Unfortunately, politics excuses nothing.

And wasting our money at such a violent rate; causing massive increases in our budget deficit that was OH such a BIG deal during the campaign but which now goes essentially unmentioned as our government determines how many thousands of dollars of indebtedness each of our children will have to bear for the entirety of their lifetimes, since this garbage is so expensive that our children and THEIR children will bear this burden for the duration of their lives.

And folks... there's something wrong with that.

Enough is enough. No more bailouts. Period. For anyone.

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