Thursday, September 08, 2005

When democrats run the place 11: They can't even suspend a tax when they KNOW it's hurting us.

Here in Washington State, we're "fortunate" enough to pay a 31 cent tax... what amounts to a tax of approximately 15% for each and every gallon of gas we use. The House GOP caucus has come up with a plan to suspend the gas tax for 3 months and democrats, "led" by Gregoire, won't hear of it.

Sonny Purdue, visionary governor of Georgia, has already shown that it CAN be done... but since Gregoire is a democrat, she's not interested in helping those who need it the most.

Tim Eyman put it best:


When Gregoire and the Democrat-controlled Legislature first proposed overturning our hard fought $30 tabs and proposed jacking up gas taxes at a time of sky-high gas prices, I labeled this effort "sadistic". What else could you call it? Politicians showed no compassion whatsoever for the average taxpayer and the struggles we were (and are) facing.

In their insular, elitist little world, politicians saw their own needs without regard to the needs of the citizens they represent.

The sooner politicians start to view us as customers and not as serfs, the sooner they'll begin digging themselves out of the hole they've created in public trust.

Don't hold your breath. Here's the latest example.

State House Republicans on Wednesday proposed a compassionate response to skyrocketing gas prices and through-the-roof energy costs - suspend the state's 31 cent per gallon gas tax for 3 months. In this time of scarcity and dire financial challenges, especially for working families and fixed-income senior citizens, a handful of elected officials tried to show some compassion. Not only would this have provided some meaningful relief, it would have prevented our state's economy from stalling from this spike in energy prices.

But most importantly, it was an attempt to reconnect with voters who've seen the government as the bad guy -- who've seen the government as an entity who's only goal is to extract the maximum amount of tax dollars from our pockets, regardless of the consequences to the taxpayers or to the economy.

Gregoire's reaction? Nothing, zip, zero, nadda. Without hesitation, she rejected their compassionate proposal and refused to make a counterproposal. Her response was to blame the oil companies for price-gouging. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Her 33% increase in gas taxes is the worst kind of price-gouging. Why can't she recognize and show some compassion for the taxpayers of Washington?

It is completely appropriate for the government to reprioritize the $40 billion it receives every year to find a way to provide some temporary relief to struggling taxpayers.

If politicians had one ounce of compassion for the average taxpayer, our initiatives would not be necessary.

If they had even the slightest compassion for taxpayers, they would have required independent, comprehensive performance audits of state and local governments decades ago. If they had, I-900, the 900 Pound Gorilla, would not be necessary.

If they had even the smallest inkling of the struggles of taxpayers, they would never have imposed the largest gas tax increase in Washington state history. If they hadn't, I-912, the gas tax increase repeal initiative, would not have been necessary.

Initiatives only work when politicians forget who they work for. The current crop of politicians in charge of Olympia clearly don't get it.

Regards, Tim Eyman, ph: 425-493-9127, email:

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