Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Sometimes, the local Leftists are idiots.

Incessant whining and sniveling is the lot in life for most on the Left, and our local-yocal leftist bloggers are no exception.

Their cacophony of whining, reminiscent of the bitching of a cut cat, is becoming louder and longer as they continue to attack efforts made by the county commissioners to expand the growth boundary.

That, of course, is their privilege. Now, if only they could explain how it is they continue to stridently support Steve Stuart... a wholly owned subsidiary of Developers, Inc.

The mind boggles, doesn't it?

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Thirty miles

Even the hard-working Erin Middlewood struggles to explain the arcania of the plan to blow out the growth boundaries. But suffice it to say that, since you can game any system, the pro-growth majority is intent on making the numbers say what they want:

More, if you've got the guts.

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