Monday, May 02, 2005

From the Right Corner: A conversation with Rod Van Mechelen, Cowlitz Tribal member and outspoken proponent for the Cowlitz-Mohegan Mega-casino.

This is my response to Rod Van Mechelen, Cowlitz Member and frequent letter writer to various area newspapers, where he sings the many praises of the Cowlitz-Mohegan effort to jam a casino down our collective throat.

He is responding to my entry here: is right, I don't "fit the profile of an impoverished Cowlitz Tribe member," either. I'm a Russel Kirk Conservative, I think George W. Bush will go down in history as one of our greatest presidents, and I believe that once we get past the controversy over the La Center project, most folks throughout Cowlitz Country will look back on these days and wonder what all the fuss was about. Because we will prove that we are good neighbors.

Sigh... Thanks for helping to prove my point.

That may very well be, except, of course, La Center and the planned Mega-Casino aren’t IN Cowlitz County… they’re in CLARK County… which serves to illustrate one of the biggest problems:

Those who don’t live here… and, except for standing to financially benefit from this, will not have to deal with ANY of the effects of this development, telling those of us who DO live here what to do. And YOU DO NOT LIVE HERE. How EASY it is for you to tell those of us who DO live here what is best for us. How DARE you?

YOU will not have to deal with the increased crime rate… we will. YOU will not have to deal with the loss of revenue to the county and the cities directly impacted by this development… we will. YOU do not stand to see YOUR business go under because of this economic leviathan… WE do. YOU will not suffer increased taxes because the Casino is sucking up our social, police and school services…. WE will.

Rod, there is one, absolutely undeniable fact: if you and your Tribe wanted to be “good neighbors,” then you would not be attempting to gain the LEAST restrictive designation for the land the Tribe wants.

If you and the Tribe WANTED to be good neighbors, then you and the Tribe would be demanding that the land in question fall under Section 20 of the IGRA. THAT’S what a “good neighbor” would do. Section 20 would require consideration of the ALL of the impacts of the mega-casino development BEFORE permission was granted to build it. But NOOOOooo….. you people want an “initial reservation.”

But then, the least restrictive option does nothing of the kind. You knew that, right, Rod?

So for me, the Tribe has not been a “good neighbor.”

Are you aware of the threats David Barnett has issued? Are you aware that he has referred to those who oppose this Mega-Casino as “racists?”

Sorry, Rod… good neighbors don’t lie like Phil did at the Roundtable on Saturday, when he claimed that the Cowlitz had voluntarily decided, on their own, to get a full Environmental Impact Statement. When he said that, he blatantly lied, in front of God and the CVTV cameras…. And the NEPA representative from the BIA that was in attendance confirmed it when she said that she was “sorry,” but that she, personally had prepared the letter from Mr. Spears requesting that the Tribe do the EIS.

Good neighbors do not threaten to get their way, Rod. And good neighbors do not lie.

The Tribe has done both for months, and as recently as Saturday, at least attempted to engage in falsehood.

Now, several months ago when Mike Siegel expressed the opinion that I was neither a conservative nor a Republican, I instantly provided him with objective evidence to back up my claim. Although there's no website with the letters and articles I wrote in 1979 and 1980 in support of Ronald Reagan, and my letters and articles in support of Skip Barron and the King County Libertarian Party also pre-dated the Internet by a good 10 years, my main website does act as an archive for mahy articles I've written over the years, including one that our detractors should appreciate:

The issue has nothing to do with whether you qualify as a “conservative” or not. I could care less.

The issue is that your Tribe has and is attempting to bully its way into changing the shape of MY HOME forever… effects on the people and businesses of the area be damned.

The issue is that you fire off your letters to the editor from Bellevue or Olympia or wherever the hell it is that you live, telling US how to live… what we should think… and what we should believe.

The History of White Guys in America -

Now, for some reason, Who...Me seems to suggest that, because I'm a writer have a moderately popular website, then I must be financially in very good shape. My regular readers would laugh at that. Though hosting for my websites is very reasonable, the $20 or so a quarter I get from Amazon sales doesn't cover the cost.

So, I'm not sure what point Who...Me is trying to make, but I think they have yet to make their case.

Regards, Rod

Do you get the point of it now, Rod?

The FACT of the matter is this: there is NO damage… NO negative consequence to the people, businesses or economy of this area that would make you or any other tribal member think this is a bad idea.

Because at the end of the day, you just don’t give a damn… and neither does David Barnett or the rest of the Tribe. You want what you want, and to hell with US.

Sorry, Rod… that don’t cut it. It doesn’t cut it for US, any more than it would cut it for YOU if the roles were reversed.

I look forward to your response and your reaction to the Tribe’s efforts to bludgeon their way into OUR home… a home that the Cowlitz had never known and wouldn’t give a damn about NOW if it weren’t on a freeway exit.

Thank you for taking the time to respond.


Anonymous said...

Rod said: "I believe...most folks throughout Cowlitz Country will look back on these days..." said: "La Center and the planned Mega-Casino aren’t IN Cowlitz County… "

Rod points out: That was "Cowlitz Country" (note the "R") not "Cowlitz County."

Cowlitz Country is just a way of referring to our aboriginal territory, which predates counties and, today, encompasses several counties, including Clark County.

K.J. Hinton said...

Way to address the issues, Rod... well done.

Besides the fact that "Cowlitz Country" is about 60 miles NORTH of here, the fact remains that you, like your tribal reps down here, have failed to address the issues.

That failure serves to reinforce your true lack of concern over the damage your mega-casino will cause those of us who actually live here... unlike yourself.

"Good neighbors" notwithstanding.

Anonymous said...

Time was the determining factor. I get up at 3AM to work on my tribal distribution list. Since my shift at work starts at 6AM, and I didn't come by your blog until about 5:10AM, I had time only to provide a quick correction. I hope that clears up your misunderstanding. Now, let me take a look at the rest of your post.

Anonymous said...

Who... Me? said: That may very well be, except, of course, La Center and the planned Mega-Casino aren’t IN Cowlitz County… they’re in CLARK County… which serves to illustrate one of the biggest problems:

Rod replies: We've already dealt with the "Cowlitz County" v "Cowlitz Country" misunderstand, so, moving on: There is no planned "Mega-Casino." I hope you will join me in having a good conversation without hyperbole.

Who... Me? said: Those who don’t live here… and, except for standing to financially benefit from this, will not have to deal with ANY of the effects of this development, telling those of us who DO live here what to do. YOU DO NOT LIVE HERE. How EASY it is for you to tell those of us who DO live here what is best for us. How DARE you?

Rod replies: In response to my most recent letter, you accused me of that. This is very interesting, and I hope you can explain it to me. In my letter, I wrote, "Won't you help us?" Now, I saw this as extending the hand of friendship and an invitation. But you're describing it as "telling those of us who DO live here what to do." I don't understand how you arrived at that conclusion.

Who... Me? said: YOU will not have to deal with the increased crime rate… we will. YOU will not have to deal with the loss of revenue to the county and the cities directly impacted by this development… we will. YOU do not stand to see YOUR business go under because of this economic leviathan… WE do. YOU will not suffer increased taxes because the Casino is sucking up our social, police and school services…. WE will.

Rod replies: Please forgive me if I missed something, but in Mr. Fox's report on Saturday, didn't he portray a very different reality from the one you describe?

Who... Me? said: Rod, there is one, absolutely undeniable fact: if you and your Tribe wanted to be “good neighbors,” then you would not be attempting to gain the LEAST restrictive designation for the land the Tribe wants. ... If you and the Tribe WANTED to be good neighbors, then you and the Tribe would be demanding that the land in question fall under Section 20 of the IGRA. THAT’S what a “good neighbor” would do. Section 20 would require consideration of the ALL of the impacts of the mega-casino development BEFORE permission was granted to build it. But NOOOOooo….. you people want an “initial reservation.” ... But then, the least restrictive option does nothing of the kind. You knew that, right, Rod?

Rod replies: What I know, is that there is no "mega-casino development," but that the Cowlitz Tribe have called the lands of Southwest Washington home since time immemorial, we have been patient and determined, our leaders secured formal acknowledgment as a federally recognized tribe on February 14, 2000, and our tribal members are returning home. As will I.

Who... Me? said: Are you aware of the threats David Barnett has issued? Are you aware that he has referred to those who oppose this Mega-Casino as “racists?”

Rod replies: There is no "Mega-Casino" to oppose. But I understand that you mean those who oppose the proposed Cowlitz Casino. When and where were these alleged threats and accusation of being "racists" made?

Who... Me? said: Sorry, Rod… good neighbors don’t lie like Phil did at the Roundtable on Saturday, when he claimed that the Cowlitz had voluntarily decided, on their own, to get a full Environmental Impact Statement. When he said that, he blatantly lied, in front of God and the CVTV cameras…. And the NEPA representative from the BIA that was in attendance confirmed it when she said that she was “sorry,” but that she, personally had prepared the letter from Mr. Spears requesting that the Tribe do the EIS.

Rod replies: Evidently, you missed the off-microphone portion of that conversation. June explained that she wrote a letter recommending this to Mr. Speaks. Before this recommendation was made to us, however, we communicated our intention to them to do the EIS. Hence, both June and Phil told the truth.

Who... Me? said: Good neighbors do not threaten to get their way, Rod. And good neighbors do not lie. ... The Tribe has done both for months, and as recently as Saturday, at least attempted to engage in falsehood.

Rod replies: I certainly agree that good neighbors do not lie, and as I demonstrated above, we have not lied. But were I to threaten to call the police if my upstairs neighbor didn't stop making too much noise late at night, I don't think that would make me a bad neighbor, do you?

Who... Me? said: The issue is that your Tribe has and is attempting to bully its way into changing the shape of MY HOME forever… effects on the people and businesses of the area be damned.

Rod replies: You've made numerous allegations, none supported by any evidence, which I believe makes them your opinion. And I respect your right to your opinions. I just don't happen to agree with them, but I do hope that as time goes by you will change your mind.

Who... Me? said: The issue is that you fire off your letters to the editor from Bellevue or Olympia or wherever the hell it is that you live, telling US how to live… what we should think… and what we should believe.

Rod replies: You keep alleging that. I'm very interested to read your explanation of how you interpret anything I've written or said as telling you how to live, what to think and what to believe. The Creator provides many teachers from whom we can learn, and maybe you can teach me something.

Who... Me? said: The FACT of the matter is this: there is NO damage… NO negative consequence to the people, businesses or economy of this area that would make you or any other tribal member think this is a bad idea.

Rod replies: I believe that's what the EIS will determine.

Who... Me? said: Because at the end of the day, you just don’t give a damn… and neither does David Barnett or the rest of the Tribe. You want what you want, and to hell with US.

Rod replies: I'm very sorry you feel that way.

Who... Me? said: I look forward to your response and your reaction to the Tribe’s efforts to bludgeon their way into OUR home… a home that the Cowlitz had never known and wouldn’t give a damn about NOW if it weren’t on a freeway exit.

Rod replies: As I wrote before, this is our homeland. We're not here to reverse history, but to build upon it. Nor are we here to take anything away from anybody. We're here to heal what was harmed, and create the means with which to combine the best of our past with the best of the present to create a future that is good for all of us. I hope that, as time goes by your outlook will brighten and your opinion of us will improve. I will stop by to read your replies, and I promise to give any thoughtful comments you make sincere consideration. But my days are long and my responsibilities are many, so this will have to be my final comment to your blog.

Best regards, Rod

Anonymous said...

This casino will be a mega-casino. Groups researching the Cowlitz casino's 160,000 square feet of gambling note that it is more gambling space than every casino in Las Vegas with the exception of the MGM Grand! If that doesn't count as a mega-casino I don't know what does.

Here are some numbers to chew on of some of the best known casinos in the US. Cowlitz ranks at #5. Ahead of Bellagio, Mandalay Bay, The Mirage and Caesar's Palace! Are you still telling us this is NOT a mega-casino?

Rank Casino Name City Casino Sq. Footage

1 Foxwoods Ledyard, CT 314,000
2 Mohegan Sun Uncasville, CT 298,500
3 Bally's Atlantic City Atlantic City, NJ 225,000
4 MGM Grand Las Vegas, NV 171,500
5 Cowlitz Ridgefield, WA 160,000
6 Trump Taj Mahal Atlantic City, NJ 159,000
7 Tropicana Atlantic City Atlantic City, NJ 148,000
8 Bellagio Las Vegas, NV 155,000
9 Mandalay Bay Las Vegas, NV 135,000
10 Aladdin Las Vegas, NV 135,000
11 Caesar's Palace Las Vegas, NV 127,000
12 Borgata Atlantic City, NJ 125,000
13 Caesar's Atlantic City Atlantic City, NJ 123,000
14 Luxor Las Vegas, NV 120,000
15 Venetian Las Vegas, NV 116,000
16 Excalibur Las Vegas, NV 110,000
17 Wynn Casino Las Vegas, NV 110,000
18 Circus Circus Las Vegas, NV 109,000
19 The Mirage Las Vegas, NV 107,200
20 Flamingo Las Vegas, NV 93,000
21 Trump Plaza Atlantic City, NJ 91,300
22 Monte Carlo Las Vegas, NV 90,000
23 Paris Las Vegas, NV 85,000
24 New York-New York Las Vegas, NV 84,000
25 Treasure Island Las Vegas, NV 83,800

K.J. Hinton said...


You're absolutely right, of course.

I've been struck all along by the parallel between the "Goebbellian Propaganda Machine" and the Tribal Propaganda Machine.

If you tell a lie long enough, loud enough and often enough, it will become the truth.

By definition, the 5th largest casino in the United States... bigger, even than Trumps Taj Mahal, inarguably a Mega-Casino, is, just that: a Megacasino.

That these people can't even admit to that begs the greater issue:

What else are they lying about? What else are they attempting to delude us about?