Thursday, April 07, 2005

Whining and sniveling: neo-coms do it best. Leftists seem just the tiniest bit peeved about HB 1515.

House Bill 1515 represents another step forward in the homosexual lobby’s efforts of mainstreaming. Pushed for years off and on, this time around by Rep. Ed Murray, militantly pro-gay chair of House Transportation, the bill would “extend civil rights” to those who engage in the homosexual lifestyle.

Tho passing overwhelmingly in the House, it ran into a parliamentary buzz saw when Sen. Luke Esser moved a motion to go to the 9th order of business on the Senate floor. Over surprisingly weak democrat opposition (save the TVW-inspired blathering of the democrat Majority Leader, Sen. Lisa Brown, whose boring recitation of typical leftist pap, watered with fake emotion, put many observers to sleep.) the state senate voted to yank HB 1515 from Senate Rules and re-refer it Judiciary, where it should have went in the first place… but where they kept it out because one of two conservative democrat senators in Olympia chairs that committee and he is publicly opposed to the bill.

Of course, some leftist media organs immediately lost their collective minds… and the Seattle P-I is a case in point.

I have issues with the concept of extending rights to individuals based on their race, color, creed, gender or genetics. The fact is that as a white male of the heterosexual variety, I am not eligible for any of the “goodies” that come along with winning the birth lottery, i.e., we must suspend reality to assign all women to “minority” status, given that women outnumber men by a substantial percentage. My son, who is an honor student at the UW, earned his way into that school by taking multiple awards and honors from Ft. Vancouver High School. His acceptance at the UW was merit based… but, since he is ½ Asian, the neo-coms feel compelled to believe in his basic inferiority, and they would do anything they could to give him certain advantages to gain admission… Not because he needed them… But because, in the eyes of the law, he’s a member of a minority class.

So now, those who desire to live an “alternative lifestyle” look to the law to sanction their choices. They look for protections based on their decisions that even I cannot hope to ever receive. Of course, I’m not a minority under the law, though I served in my country's military for over a decade and although I am becoming a member of that increasingly threatened class known as a white male. We’re becoming increasingly scarce… in fact, males of any race on campus are becoming rarer and rarer… with the number now approaching 43% and falling.

HHHmmm… do you think we’ll see a law addressing THAT particular inequity?

I doubt it. And the moment a civil rights bill for guys like me gets the attention of the Lisa Browns of the world… Well, I might just start to think about the “rights” of homosexuals.

Thursday, April 7, 2005

Capitol Watch: The Senate's 'lost minds'

They did it again. State Senate Republicans again found a way to sneak out a parliamentary side door to avoid taking a vote to extend basic civil liberty protection to gays and lesbians.

Last year they did it with the Friday-night flight, when then-majority Republican leadership adjourned early on a Friday bill cutoff to duck a vote on a bill to add sexual orientation to the grounds on which it's illegal to discriminate in such things as housing, lending and employment.

This year, the dodge came in a procedural vote on the Senate floor Tuesday. Sen. Luke Esser, R-Bellevue, moved to block the bill from an impending vote by shipping it back to a Senate committee in which Democrats hold a one-vote majority. That one vote belongs to Sen. Jim Hargrove, D-Hoquiam, presumed to oppose the gay rights bill. Indeed, it was Hargrove's vote on the floor, along with that of fellow conservative Democrat Sen. Tim Sheldon of Potlatch that made the Republican maneuver possible.


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